It's HERE: Woe Unto the Inhabitants of America; the World
what I call the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto); Market pop, Hyperinflation, Militarization of America, "Quiet Quitting", the working homeless & Digital ID's
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Friday January 3 2025
On New Year’s Eve, Lightning Struck The U.S. Capitol, The Washington Monument, The Empire State Building And One World Trade Center…
Has The Bubble Already Popped?
As delinquencies continue rising to new records continuously within subprime credit card loans…
and Commerical Real Estate…
and the system as a whole, the Gov is left with three choices…
1. Continue to Hyperinflate the Dollar/Nominal Prices (kick the can down the road) through continued currency creation (QE) and or increased currency creation
Quantitative Easing (currency creation aka counterfeiting) does nothing but destroy purchasing power. It raises nominal prices which create a false sense of wealth (like the nominal price rise in crypto). It takes MORE of your dollars to buy something; that does not mean the underlying VALUE has increased.
2. Move the general public to what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto)”
This is why Trump is warning of a “1929 style depression”. The truth is, We the U.S., have already been in a Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020 and the Dollar has already died many, many years ago in my opinion according to the work and analysis I have done that will all be linked below. So called experts are still arguing over or talking about recession. They couldn’t be any further behind the curve. Digressing, this is also why Trump says, “US will be crypto capital of the planet” and the system as a whole is pushing crypto, why Digital ID’s are being rolled out, why ISO 20022 is being rolled out, why “bird flu” pandemic 2.0 is rolling out, why markets are puking etc. (all work will be linked below)
and or at the same time;
3. Gold revaluation
(1); Could be a long slow process,
Gold continues inching higher and higher over the years slowly as the dollar continues hyperinflating
(2); Could be a series of overnight spike re-valuations over a short time or many years, like in the case of Venezuela.
The currency continues to hyperinflate, while Gold has huge overnight re-valuation spikes upward, over a short or long time frame.
Both continued Hyperinflation and or a Gold re-valuation will help to shift the public who do not hold physcial assets outside of the system to what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto)”.
This is the 2nd Wave of Hyperinflation commencing that I have been warning about for months that was coming (all work linked below)…
As an economy or Empire collapses, the Government seeks ways to gain more power and control before the total fall and ensuing chaos of the public.
This can be through the use of the “Hegelian Dialectic” (Problem, Reaction, Solution) for example, utilizing false flag operations and purposeful economic warfare such as illegal immigration which then gives the Gov the excuse to declare emergency powers.
NOTE: This does not discount real world events.
“…Never let a good crisis go to waste…” -Rahm Emanuel
These gained emergency powers gained are used to pre-program and pre-condition the general public or to officially enact long term as a take over to ensure control and command.

Retail closures in US Hit Pandemic Levels…again…
As I have been saying for years, when the Central Banks destroy the currency and the citizens can no longer live off of wages alone, the social contract is dead (people no longer want to work/”Quiet Quitting”) and your economy has already collapsed; that people just haven’t figured it out yet.
Once your currency has negative purchasing power like the U.S. Dollar…
and people live off of bank credit…
and not actual wages, you get what is called in the West “Quiet Quitting”.
“Quiet Quitting” is a western spin off of the old Soviet social saying or joke they had during their collapse.
The same collapse the U.S. is now going through…

Since citizens in America have not been receiving a living wage (“pretending to be paid”) like the Soviets, due to currency debasement (Quantitative Easing) by the Federal Reserve Central Bank for some time, the old Soviet joke or saying above, has been Westernized into “Quiet Quitting” aka the Soviet “Pretending to work”.

As I have been warning lately, here comes the roll out of what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMMSE Crypto)”…
This is a Wealth Transfer. This is a shift to a new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto) the Eugenicists are readying to roll out…