Companies Handing Out Free 5G Devices for Digital World Government Beast System Infrastructure/Technology Roll Out
QR Codes + Digital ID + Crypto + 5g Devices and Networks
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Friday November 29 2024
World Government Digital Infrastructure/Technology:
QR Codes, Digital ID, 5g Devices & the 5g-10g Network They Operate on.
For the sake brevity, I have purposely not discussed, interlinked or tied these covered topics together with other related topics and is void of showing the broader scope of the matter or other important information therein.
The point of this article is to show the following:
(1); World Government Corporations and others, are and have been rapidly deploying 5g Tech/Infrastructure into the hands of individuals; readying the beast system roll out and connectivity.
(2); The population is being pre-programed and pre-conditioned with Psychological Operations/Social Engineering tactics with said tech/infrastructure; QR Codes, Digital ID & 5g Devices and Network they operate on.
In 2018 and 2023, World Government (United Nations) called for their members to; “TURBO CHARGE THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS”;
1. This is how we can turbocharge the global goals | United Nations
2. How Partnerships Can Turbo Charge Progress on the SDGs | World Resources Institute
3. This is how we can turbocharge the global goals | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
4. Press Release | United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance - United Nations Sustainable Development
Covid was one of many World Government “Turbo Charging” operations.
Because of Covid (Fake Pandemic) “Turbo Charging”, that is why you have seen, if you have even noticed or are paying attention, that QR Codes are and have been pushed on everything, anything and everywhere, since the CON-vid-19 Plandemic, with feverish pace.
Not just QR Codes though. Many other goals and agendas have been “Turbo Charged”. However, those other agendas and goals are not the focus or scope of this article for the sake of brevity.
QR Code technology has been disguised as, “fast & convenient”, for consumers. A trendy, new, cool tech advancement.
Or even during the “health Crisis”, it was known as, “Contactless Payment systems”. It was being pushed extremely hard during that time.
Remember the ridiculous propaganda coming out back then?
‘You don’t have to touch anything, just scan or tap and you can be safe from Covid. Remember, we’re all in this together!’
Yes, that was an actual selling point if you remember. The psychosis of when people could not step outside their house without a mask for fear of instantly dying or God forbid have to touch anything.
What you need to know about handling cash amid coronavirus spread: WHO
Overnight (since the CONvid Scamdemic), everything has a QR Code attached to it now.
You can’t even watch a movie without seeing a QR Code, either in the theatre or on apps…
or walk around in public…
or watch a commercial…
or open an app…
or open the newspaper…
or buy a house…
QR Codes are part of World Government Technology and infrastructure.
QR Codes are nothing new. QR Code normalization by way of social engineering through the use of the Mainstream Media as a medium, has been going on for 14 years or more, as showcased by this CBS report below.
This is Pre-programming, Pre-conditioning and normalizing the public.
It is a ‘Familiarization Process’…
Not just QR Codes, but other digital infrastructure, like Digital IDs and facial recognition for example.
Priming and herding the public into a digital pig pen before the slaughter.
Dangers of QR Codes in 2 Minutes
I say again…
World Government called for “Turbo Charging” the Sustainable Development Goals in 2018, JUST BEFORE COVID and the Digital Tech/Infrastructure of Covid ROLLED OUT!
Covid was a preplanned cover for World Government roll out and implementation of the digital infrastructure and technology.
There are other goals and agendas Covid was used as cover for, but again, those things are not the scope of this article for the sake of brevity, as stated in the beginning.
Companies Handing Out Free 5g Devices
Major Globalist controlled and operated Companies (Xfinity, Verizon, T-Mobile etc.) are giving away free 5g devices to get the technology/infrastructure in people’s hands as fast as possible with no cost, in order to roll out the World Government beast system technology and infrastructure. This infrastructure/technology campaign has been raging for years.
The beast system requires a fast network to operate on (think “Internet of things”), like the 5g-10g network and a corresponding operating system like 5g phones/devices, that are then tied to and in the hands of an individual.
Briefly, in case you do not know what the “Internet of Things (IOT)” is:
In short, it’s a wide scale digital data collection, manipulation and control gulag for humans, their behavior and actions. Part of the central control/manipulation system of World Government.
In case you did not already know, nothing is free. These 5g phones and other devices companies are handing out for free, are not free and are not the actual product.
You are the product.
The true purpose of this technology, the infrastructure and what it is going to do to you, is the real product.
Take a look at all the companies including their commercials below, handing out free 5g phones like candy…
(Commercial) XFINITY Mobile TV Spot, 'A Phone That Won't Break the Bank: Free 5G Phone and Unlimited Line' -
(Commercial) Verizon TV Spot, 'Tis the Season: Free 5G Phone and $1,500 Savings' Featuring Cecily Strong, Paul Giamatti -
(Commercial) Verizon TV Spot, 'Tis the Season: Free 5G Phone and $2,100 Savings' Featuring Cecily Strong, Paul Giamatti -
Cricket Wireless TV Spot, 'Farm Forager: Free 5G Phone When You Switch' -
Pure Talk TV Spot, 'Join Your Fellow Americans: Free Samsung 5G' -
Total Wireless TV Spot, 'Got Your Back: Up to Four Free 5G Phones' -
Boost Mobile TV Spot, 'Basketball: Free Samsung Galaxy A23 5G Phone' -
T-Mobile TV Spot, 'Reliable Coverage: $25 per Unlimited Line and Free 5G Phones' -
Metro by T-Mobile TV Spot, 'Save More Family Moments: Free Samsung Galaxy 5G' -
World Government needs this technology in everyone's hands… (complete with symbolism - satanic ok 666 hand sign)
Why does World Government need 5g phones/devices in everyone’s hand?
Because they are what is being labeled as, “Tools of the New World”. The tools of the new world that World Government will need to be able to control you.
In case you do not believe this synopsis so far, I give you the videos below.
Straight from the horse’s mouth…
(WATCH 00m:34s)
IMF SPRING MEETING 2023: ‘Everybody should have digital ID, bank account & smartphone; Tools of the new world’
Programmability (Internet of things) utilizing said “Tools of the New World”…
Psychological Operations
Not only that, but psychological operations are also being conducted on the public in some of these commercials.
How and why is it you ask?
Some are of the commercials made by these companies’, are of course using the, ‘useful idiot Hollywood puppets’, like Snoop Dog and others. Their job is to popularize, pre-condition and pre-program the public into the digital beast system. To make this tech seem cool and trendy.
The Eugenicists believe that by using popular pop icons, that the public will rush in like mad cattle to the stores to eat this new tech up.
You are not cool, trendy or “up to date” if you don’t have your new snoop-phone-16. This is a slight social and cultural psychological operation.
‘Don’t worry, its on us’, says the devil with a grin…
Digital Infrastructure Needed for World Government Slavery Surveillance System Being Rolled out for Years
Part of the World Government infrastructure, is to roll out digital QR Codes, that are linked to smart phones (currently 5g & 6g tech) for Digital ID and the “Beast System”. The beast System or what I call the “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE)”, utilizes 5G-10G networks in order to operate.
What the Next-Generation Xfinity 10G Network Means for Americans Everywhere
Below is a 30 minute documentary/compilation I made during Covid, making all the above clear as day. It has the most amount of information (in the context of this article) you and others need, in the shortest non-written format possible. It is visually easier to digest as well.
Part Two is on my Bitchute and is shorter (click)
Trump is an undercover globalist. That is why he passed and supported yet another World Government agenda/policy while President.
President Donald J. Trump Is Unleashing America’s 5G Potential – The White House
Trump is an Undercover Globalist and always has been…
Crypto Currency System Using Body Activity
The following is a Bill Gates (Micrsoft) Patent that is a Crypto Currency System that utilizes body activity.
This patent, among others released by Eugenicists like Bill Gates, utilizes and is connected to QR Codes, 5G devices and the 5g-10g network.
Microsoft Patent Describes Tracking Brain Activity to Mine Cryptocurrency | PCMag
Update: New news piece regarding 5g
Hey Inverted, I appreciate your kind words as always!
I could have done much better, but I rushed the article.
I think remember writing about Uganda awhile back, maybe on my old site. That is what is crazy in many places like Uganda around the world for years, have already been rolling out world gov infrastructure/tech. Using these places as live time beta tests working out the kinks before rolling it out in the west in a 'final product form' if you will.
I was surprised at how far some of these countries are along with their digital currency/banking, apps, facial and palm recognition etc.
Great compilation of ads and government messages! What I notice here in Uganda is that almost everybody is already using digital money in the form of mobile money (on their phone). Even though you still pay with cash in 99% of the shops, the mobile money is more a kind of bank account (even with interest). Right now, there are fees applied when you send money or withdraw it from one of the tens of thousands mobile money agents in the country. When they remove that barrier and give people free (simple) phones, they can make Uganda cash-free within a day. That would obviously be a problem for all the corrupt politicians and business people so I guess that is the reason there are still fees, but when the signal comes to go all digital, it can be done in a day.