by Dillon Critique from;
Tuesday October 15 2024
Trump Uses his Popularity & the Ignorance of the Public to Push Population into World Government Crypto Slavery Surveillance System Economy
Trump is an undercover Globalist. This is why Trump is helping to facilitate transitioning the general public into crypto; by pre-programing and pre—conditioning the public. By creating his own Deep State crypto claiming it's the;
“chance to help shape the future of finance.”
A talking point straight from Davos, World Economic Forum, Bank for International Settlements, United Nations etc.
Help Trump shape “the future of finance”, by feeding into World Governments crypto digital slavery surveillance system economy. Don’t forget to buy Trumps crypto token going on sale, right on que.
Don’t forget to also help Trump shape the future by taking his Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots. If trumps a good guy leading us to victory and still supports the shots to this day after everything we know about them, what's the harm? Trump wouldn't lie. Trumps our saviour (Sarcasm).
Notice Trump isn't promoting sound money. Notice Trump isn't talking about Gold or Silver. Nope. Crypto, Crypto, Crypto. That's all the dumbed down general public and Globalist minions can talk about all day everyday; is Crypto this and crypto that. It's non stop.
That's because people are being psychologically conditioned and pre-programmed through continuous Repetitiveness, brainwashing, propaganda etc.
Of course Trump isn't presented as a Globalist doing the Globalists bidding by rolling out their agendas/policy; like Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots and Medical Martial Law; shutting and locking down the country/economy and much more.
This is why Hillary was never locked up. This is Why after being elected, Trump stated;
“Bill and Hillary are good people, I don't want to hurt them.
“Hillary did the best job as secretary of state. Nobody did it better.”
As the clueless public continue to get played by Trump continuing to enact and roll out World Government policy/agendas.
What type of image/arch type does the deep state brainwash the public with regarding trump as he commits these deeds:
Yeah, some kind of bullshit super hero.
This kind of BS of course amps up the general public into a trump loving fever frenzy. Like highschool girls fainting at the sight of Elvis shaking his hips for the first time.
The photos really tell it all when people fall in love with an idol/false prophet.
A false prophet. A false saviour. A false hero. A controlled opposition puppet playing patriot. A globalist club member playing billionaire super hero. The general public are childlike. This is why they are given child like heros/stories. Trump is a pied piper leading fools to hell in a hand basket and they are non the wiser.
After Trump killed, maimed and injured 30 million American men, women and children with his Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots which Trump still supports to this day. All the public can say is; “gimme more daddy” as they line up to vote for Trump even more the second time around. Can you believe it. People love him more than the first time around which was the biggest failure ever.
Doubling down on the stockholm syndrome.
Hosea 4:5-7
21st Century King James Bible Version
5 Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the night; and I will destroy thy mother.
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to Me. Seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
7 “As they were increased, so they sinned against Me; therefore will I change their glory into shame.
The public doesn't care about Trump's actions. Just what he says and how he acts. It's enough to fool people and make people love him. As long as you say the right things and act how people want you to, it doesn't matter what you actually do. They'll defend you to their death. Trumps the perfect case.
It's childish and beyond ridiculous. People eat it up like candy because they are childish and their mental state ridiculous. The deep state knows this. Which is why they do things this way. It works and very well unfortunately.
So don't buy Crypto at all in any form. Why? Because the Globalists openly state in their white papers; THEY WANT THE GENERAL PUBLIC TO FILTER INTO ANY AND ALL CRYPTOS AND AWAY FROM ANYTHING PHYSICAL. They want everything digital before completely centralizing it. You are being herded for the slaughter. You are being directed into a trap. It is a set up. Not the way of the future.
Bitcoin is the deep state because it was created by the deep state (MIT (tech side), DARPA-PENTAGON (military/logistic side), CIA (psychological/information side). All three combined together to form a single attack vector with some form compartmentalization there within. It was rolled out during the financial crisis of 2008 to begin the long road of pre-programming and pre-conditioning the public to lead where we are today 16 years later. Crypto, Crypto, Crypto. Not sound money Gold or silver. Which would be te correct response.
Americas former glory has been turning into shame for quite some time. Most of us now wrestle with this internally everyday now and or can feel it.
We CAN turn it around. The question is; will we turn it around or will we keep silently marching and being guided to our own demise while taking no action and cluelessly cheering for it and the false prophets.
I think this is why Trump chose JD Vance. Look at Vance’s ties…it’s right in front of people!
They want to usher in a surveillance state.
I see exactly the psyop Trump is pulling off. When people think they’ll be “saved”, the critical thinking ends.
Trump is repeating the same talking points from 2016…it was new then! I remember, and I voted for Trump twice.
Now I see the bullshit so clearly!
Regarding the vaccine…you think the Harris regime is any better?? Trump followed the experts advice on Covid. He is not a doctor. He was set up by the global governing agencies!