by Dillon Critique from; (substack)
Monday September 16, 2024
If the deep state truly wanted Trump dead, he would be.
Ask JFK…
I show this graphic footage to the audience to show, relate and stress this isn't a game or conspiracy theories or anything that should be taken lightly. This is the real world and how it works.
You could also ask the other thousands upon thousands of deep state assassinations and their families; from low ranking to high ranking individuals, stretching across many sectors, disciplines and countries. Some of these stories are public. These stories however are not the aim or focus of this article and will be talked about at a later date.
Assassination Fails & Why
The reason why Trump hasn't been retired by the deep state and these assassinations unsuccessful, is because Trump is an undercover Globalist playing a role/character for the deep state. Trump is a club member pretending not to be.
Trump’s role or character is to play that of, (1); A billionaire hero for the regular American, (2); The candidate that trashes & calls out the status quo, (3); The super patriotic charasmatic false saviour everyone has been hoping for, (4); The one guy to finally fix everything because this time is different, (5); Says all the right things at exactly the right time,(6); Acts in a way that everyone is attracted to, (7); The guy who finally “calls out” the deep state & will act to stop ‘them’. It's all a lie.
This is why Hillary Clinton was never jailed, which Trump campaigned ‘bigly’ on (pun intended).
This is why Trump said after being elected;
“Hillary and Bill are good people, I don’t want to hurt them.”
Source: In video at very bottom
After being elected Trump stated;
“Hillary did the best job as secretary of state, No one did it better”.
Source: In video at very bottom
This is why Trump induced Medical Martial Law in America locking down the country and economy simultaneously.
This is why Trump hired more swamp creatures instead of draining the swamp; which he campaigned heavily on (Drain Lè Swamp).
This is why Trump killed 30 million American men, women and children with his Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots (Source below: Ed Dowds work + Insurance Company Actuaries) and still continues to support it to this day while refusing to warn Americans about it.
This is why Trump doubled the national deficit more than Obama and Bush combined.
And on and on…
None of this is President material, none of this is leadership material and none of these actions deserve a following.
What Role Do These Shooters Play?
The assassination attempts are part of the political theatre, part of the psy-op being played on the public, part of the dog and pony show, part of the divide and conquer, part of the mind control/psychological manipulation. It serves the deep states political/agenda purposes.
The public just sees this as regular organic events. They are not (IN MOST CASES) but obviously can be organic at times.
There are a handful of mentally ill people (left leaning) being used as “useful idiots” by the ‘Deep State’, in the false left vs right Paradigm/false Dialetic of Politics.
NOTE: Left vs right Politics is a divide and conquer technique/mechanism used by the ruling class on the population as a form of mind/population control. All Candidates and politicians are always club members/the ruling class; or blackmailed or threatened individuals; or plain criminals; or hardcore socio/psychopaths. It truly is a them vs us (the public) situation. This is why the government is quick to label anyone and everyone a domestic terrorists who goes against the status quo. Because we are the enemy that threatens them, their current control and power. Everything becomes a threat.
Are there a few here and there that are good guys/gals that have slipped through the cracks or have changed sides? More than likely. Proceed cautiously in that thought though.
These useful idiots (shooters) are being used to (1); Continue to help authenticate and reinforce Trumps false “good guy/hero” character and image the deep state set up/planted in the publics mind; by attacking Trump. (2); Plays to the divide and conquer technique as it puts Dems vs Repubs even further apart; increases violence, angst, anger, resentment etc. (3); Incite revolution or civil war/unrest/upheaval. (4); Excuse for martial law; (5); Gun confiscation…and so on and so on and so on.
These shooters serve a deep state purpose. All the public sees is some dude who hates Trump, which then further drives people closer to Trump and deeper into the false left vs right paradigm/dialectic. Which is the whole point. The public is being driven further into the deep states arms and the false political system by trusting and following a controlled opposition leader; not realizing that what this whole dog and pony show is for, is just that.
Unfortunately we do not live in a society that uses logic or reason upon its first initial thought processes. The initial thought or response is that of emotion, which is then followed up by an illogical presuppositional preconditioned and pre-programmed false dialetical/paradigm talking point. An example would be; if you don't support Trump or you call him out on mistakes, you are automatically labeled a ‘Biden-ite’, a Democrat and apparently hate America.
That is pre-conditioned false dialetical thinking. It shows the mindless tribalism and childish preconceived notions of another person without actually fully knowing or even caring. People no longer truly talk or listen.
Most people live in and view life through a political lense/false left right paradigm. Most people will read this and somehow still conclude I am a democrat or like Biden; simply because I expose Trump and the fake political system he and the population resides in. That's the false paradigm/dialetic brainwashing way of thinking/lashing out.
I state this clearly so there is no confusion on where I stand:
Democrats and Republicans are a fraud, left vs right politics is a divide and conquer technique/mechanism, a fraud. The individuals themselves are all club members, threatened or blackmailed, socio/psychopaths and plain criminals/occultists. I do not support the left or right. It is all a fraud including the people.
“It's a big club and you and I ain't in it…You and I, are not in the big club.” -George Carlin
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
The American population has been getting played like a fiddle for generations while being none the wiser. Every fours years it's the; “this time is different, vote harder” and it never is or has been. The definition of insanity can be found here.
Run towards Jesus, not man.
-Dillon Critique from; (substack)
(Video) 19 minutes of proof: Trump an undercover Globalist
Duped by the Doland
Ed Dowd Statistical Data Interviews & Break down
I quit. Embracing my faith in God… the only one I side with.
You are interesting. Maybe a little Trump Derangy, but interesting writing, nonetheless. I do not share your theory about this all-powerful gargantuan deep-state villainy who is the puppetmaster of all the political drama in the world. These are bureaucrats even in the best of times and are now Millennial and Gen Z-er bureaucrats. These 2 generations have proven to be particularly inept and almost catatonic in their ability to make decisions. It's not that their political decisions are bad, it's that they CAN NOT make any decisions, period.
Even in the best of political intrigues, say the Cold War era political drama between apparatchik pencil pushers and liberty-loving conservative government teet-sucking anti-commie paper shufflers, disastrous decisions were constantly the rule. From entering Vietnam to leaving Saigon it was a continual cluster-fudge. Pearl Harbor, Reagan's Kobar towers, Carter's debacle in the Iranian desert, Watergate, and everything the CIA touches, had disaster stamped on its forehead. Now we have 2 generations of busy little government participation trophy-ites making political decisions. We have the deep state being run by 3rd graders who never won a game. It is really just the New boss, same as the Old boss
I can guarantee that Mensa has nary a deep-state worker-Bee's cell phone number on speed dial. Obey The Pug!