You are interesting. Maybe a little Trump Derangy, but interesting writing, nonetheless. I do not share your theory about this all-powerful gargantuan deep-state villainy who is the puppetmaster of all the political drama in the world. These are bureaucrats even in the best of times and are now Millennial and Gen Z-er bureaucrats. These 2 generations have proven to be particularly inept and almost catatonic in their ability to make decisions. It's not that their political decisions are bad, it's that they CAN NOT make any decisions, period.
Even in the best of political intrigues, say the Cold War era political drama between apparatchik pencil pushers and liberty-loving conservative government teet-sucking anti-commie paper shufflers, disastrous decisions were constantly the rule. From entering Vietnam to leaving Saigon it was a continual cluster-fudge. Pearl Harbor, Reagan's Kobar towers, Carter's debacle in the Iranian desert, Watergate, and everything the CIA touches, had disaster stamped on its forehead. Now we have 2 generations of busy little government participation trophy-ites making political decisions. We have the deep state being run by 3rd graders who never won a game. It is really just the New boss, same as the Old boss
I can guarantee that Mensa has nary a deep-state worker-Bee's cell phone number on speed dial. Obey The Pug!
Your response is that of which I described in the article; A false dialetical/paradigm response.
It is also not a theory. That is just what uneducated/uninformed people say and think. There's more than plenty of history and academia around this.
I also presented unbiased facts about Trump that have nothing to do with me or my state of mind or feelings. You then turn it into a false political dialect and psychological talking point by morphing it into; "Trump derangement". That's just trolling or intellectually laziness.
Nothing wrong with disagreeing. I appreciate your comment and thank you for your time!
You are a Gen X, Z or Millennial and that is not in doubt. You believe what any professor crammed down your throat. The failure rate at anything that humans do is 75% or higher. We only learn by mistakes. Your generation is no exception. The Roman Catholic monolith is the best example. After 2000 years and millions of butchering humans does not make it a streamlined evil killing machine. It just makes it a killing machine. That is the same for CIA, FBI, DNC. These are perfect examples of failed human horrible-ness. You call it a diabolical, calculating and effective Deep State.
I quit. Embracing my faith in God… the only one I side with.
Amen Michele. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it. Good luck and God Bless. Hope to continue seeing you around.
You are interesting. Maybe a little Trump Derangy, but interesting writing, nonetheless. I do not share your theory about this all-powerful gargantuan deep-state villainy who is the puppetmaster of all the political drama in the world. These are bureaucrats even in the best of times and are now Millennial and Gen Z-er bureaucrats. These 2 generations have proven to be particularly inept and almost catatonic in their ability to make decisions. It's not that their political decisions are bad, it's that they CAN NOT make any decisions, period.
Even in the best of political intrigues, say the Cold War era political drama between apparatchik pencil pushers and liberty-loving conservative government teet-sucking anti-commie paper shufflers, disastrous decisions were constantly the rule. From entering Vietnam to leaving Saigon it was a continual cluster-fudge. Pearl Harbor, Reagan's Kobar towers, Carter's debacle in the Iranian desert, Watergate, and everything the CIA touches, had disaster stamped on its forehead. Now we have 2 generations of busy little government participation trophy-ites making political decisions. We have the deep state being run by 3rd graders who never won a game. It is really just the New boss, same as the Old boss
I can guarantee that Mensa has nary a deep-state worker-Bee's cell phone number on speed dial. Obey The Pug!
Your response is that of which I described in the article; A false dialetical/paradigm response.
It is also not a theory. That is just what uneducated/uninformed people say and think. There's more than plenty of history and academia around this.
I also presented unbiased facts about Trump that have nothing to do with me or my state of mind or feelings. You then turn it into a false political dialect and psychological talking point by morphing it into; "Trump derangement". That's just trolling or intellectually laziness.
Nothing wrong with disagreeing. I appreciate your comment and thank you for your time!
You are a Gen X, Z or Millennial and that is not in doubt. You believe what any professor crammed down your throat. The failure rate at anything that humans do is 75% or higher. We only learn by mistakes. Your generation is no exception. The Roman Catholic monolith is the best example. After 2000 years and millions of butchering humans does not make it a streamlined evil killing machine. It just makes it a killing machine. That is the same for CIA, FBI, DNC. These are perfect examples of failed human horrible-ness. You call it a diabolical, calculating and effective Deep State.
You're not coherent or make any sense.
There is a calculated diabolical deep state/group of eugenicists/ satanists/occultists. Goes back to ancient history.
If you don't want to believe it, it's all good. You're not however going to convince me different.