Trump is an Undercover Globalist Pushing the Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy
Predicted in 2016; How the PSY-OP of the false left vs right paradigm/dialectic works + Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE)
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Wednesday November 20, 2024
I knew Trump was a fraud in 2016 because I know our political system is a fraud; an ancient false Left vs Right Paradigm/Dialectic used as a population control mechanism/tool. I know that all Presidential Candidates and Presidents are pre-selected and pre-approved club members. This was not the case when the country was first founded and its’ early life.
Ron Paul, the only real American politician, was allowed to slip through the cracks and allowed on stage because your votes never mattered. Only the counters matter. Many people learned parts of this harsh truth during the 2016 campaign.
Votes are an illusion of control given to the population, so they feel they have a sense of say and power under the false system of which they live. The population must believe they can affect change and their lives by simply heading to the polls…
while voting for pre-selected club members.
What about Ron Paul?
Ron Paul was no real threat in the sense of becoming President. Why? Votes do not count or matter. Ron Paul’s knowledge, educating the public and calling out the Federal Reserve is the threat, from the Deep States' viewpoint. Notice Ron Paul is the only American politician to say the Federal Reserve needs to be eliminated. That the Federal Reserve are the biggest group of criminals and liars on the planet. That The Federal Reserve has completely destroyed America, our currency, our economy and our lives. That America needs to end the Federal Reserve and return to a gold and silver standard. Ron Paul was not allowed to become president because he doesn’t support the Federal Reserve or the people who control the money masters (Federal Reserve).
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ZEROHEDGE Commentors
The population worships false idols while not knowing it. Like mainstream acting or musician celebrities, Politicians are no different. One is a political control system, the other an entertainment control system (pushing degeneracy satanism etc.)
The population does not know they live in a false Political left vs right Paradigm/Dialectic controlled and run by the elite class who rule over them. That this false Paradigm/Dialectic is a population control mechanism/tool. That this false left vs right Paradigm/Dialectic, is only allowed to be filled with Club Members, Blackmailed individuals, threatened individuals etc. The population does not understand Trump is a globalist playing a character or role and given a script. All politicians have a role, character and script. Politics is a dog and pony show, a Psychological Operation being conducted on the public while the population thinks it is an organic system; just with some corruption, criminals and incompetence thrown in the mix.
Bread Crumbs
For example, the US population went ape shit when Trump TEMPORARILY removed the United States out of the United Nations. It fooled people further into believing Trump was again the real deal and his actions show it. If you don’t know any better or do not have the proper education/understanding about our world/country, you’d see this as a victory and not a psychological manipulation of the deep state.
Severing ties with the UN is a head fake psychological operation bread crumb thrown by the deep state to appease the general public and psychologically manipulate them. It was also used to further affirm Trumps “patriot”/”good guy” character/image in the public’s mind. A bread crumb that doesn't last and isn’t meant to…
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Because the next controlled opposition President that takes office, just undoes what the last controlled opposition puppet does and gets us back in the United Nations, legally or illegally. Or whatever program was “temporarily” halted to appease the masses or given them a sense of victory.
Even when the US was out of the UN for a brief time, UN policy was still being implemented all over the country. So, it really didn't even matter anyway. People just thought it did and was some huge victory. Here we are and nothing has actually changed. 8 Years later the same con is being run and people still haven't figured it out. Same talking points as well.
The “back and forth game” of ‘who to blame’ and ‘why nothing ever changes’ continues in a never-ending circle jerk. After four years, Americans head back to the polls to vote again because you know…this time is different…again. They don't mind giving up on an agenda for four years to make people think they are winning, had a victory or have someone in the White House who is a legit patriot getting things done. The controllers need to do that so the population thinks the system is real and can affect change. It’s a con. They are long game players and very good at manipulating people. If they need to step back for a moment or cool off, they do so. This backing off, is seen as organic by the public. However, it is not.
Trump being an undercover globalist is exactly why he is pushing and supporting what I call the; “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy” (DMSSE) AND NOT A GOLD AND SILVER STANDARD!!!
This one is a must read:
Trump is a fake patriot pied piper leading you to the Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy and the population is cheering him on…
This is also why Trump appointed a globalist Ally Lumis who is…
This is also why Trump…
Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff
And you fools thought Trump was going to drain the swamp………………again.
The United Nations has put a call out to all of their member states and minions to “TURBO CHARGE THE SUSTAINBLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS” in 2020, which is why the world changed so fast. That means speed everything up and unleash hell.
How Partnerships Can Turbo Charge Progress on the SDGs | World Resources Institute
This call to “turbo charge the sustainable development goals” was again made in 2023
This is how we can turbocharge the global goals | Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD)
Which is why you are seeing Trump promote crypto/digital fools gold right on que (trump is a globalist) and why the “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy” (DSSE) is pushing full steam ahead.
IMF SPRING MEETING 2023: ‘Everybody should have digital ID, bank account & smartphone; Tools of the new world (34 seconds long)
(WATCH 1:34 sec long)
Aside from the breadcrumbs Trump throws your way, ask yourself…
Will Trump stop Geo-Engineering?
Will Trump eliminate the Federal Reserve?
Will Trump jail the Covid scam criminals?
Will Trump making secret societies illegal/expose them?
Will Trump admit he was wrong about his “Operation Warp Speed Depopulation Death Shots”,
Will Trump warn the American People about the dangers of his depopulation vaccine?
Will Trump apologize for maiming, Killing and injuring American men, women and children with his fast-tracked father of Operation Depopulation warp speed death shots?
Will Trump apologize for inducing Medical Martial Law; locking down the country/economy?
Will Trump put us back on a gold and silver standard?
Will Trump drain the swamp (again…)?
Will Trump lock Hillary up (again…)?
Will Trump punish or imprison anyone who has committed treason?
and so on and so on…
I did not vote for Trump the third time, for these exact reasons! The top two being the Operation Death Speed, and support for the Zionist state of Israel (literal genocide).
Everything else is icing on the cake!
There are very, very few people that GET IT!
After being “fired” for non-CONvid compliance on March 1, 2021, I woke the fuck up! I’m truly shocked at the gullibility, and naivety of people…not anymore, needless to say!
The world is lacking knowledge because of IGNORE-ance.
Thank you Dill for being a bright light of Truth during this time in the world. God/Creator is with you! 🕊️🌞
Somebody stole my "Lessor of two Evils" lol. I forwarded this to the biggest Trumpette I know. Will have to see what she reacts. Maybe she may even respond. Your interaction with me opened my eyes and am looking at Politics (Theatre) in a new light. I sort of wish George had made that ride to Auschwitz like he was supposed to. The world might be a better place because he said he likes to toy with people and countries. With UN Agenda 2030 I see mass genocide coming because "We the People" are the carbon the powers that should not be want eliminated. What should we do other than realize we are FU**ED? By lessor of two evils what I really mean is mass genocide would have come more swifty under a Harris administration and under Trump it might be a more scenic view. I am sort of tempted to learn Russian. They are not the enemy we have been brainwashed into believing. They are a more "Christian" country than the U.S. and rebuilding Russian Orthodox churches like crazy. They do not allow wokeism, LGB??? promotion and celebration. Just saw an article where the U.S. promises money in the billions for countries that are against this to embrace it like Kenya as one example. Did Russia give the U.S. something more destructive than a bomb where we basically self destruct? Yuri Bezmenov's predictions about the United States were based on his understanding of Soviet strategies for ideological subversion and psychological warfare, but they are literally playing out in real time. Some say we are in the demoralization phase now and destabilization, crisis, and normalization is next.