Full Thesis Originally written November 21, 2021
By Dillon Critique
The National Security Agency, Pentagon (DARPA), MIT and Deep State IS Satoshi. Satoshi is a fake lore the Globalists created to drive people into the Deep States arms without knowing it; while simultaneously getting people to think it's the antidote to Central banks or "The System”. When in reality, Bitcoin was created by the system.
How do you get people to think that your idea, is that of their own?
Bitcoin seems to be the same gaffe the Pentagon (DARPA) utilized when it came to their “Project Lifelog”. What is Project LifeLog?
Pentagon LifeLog Project
The Pentagon LifeLog project, an ambitious effort to build a database tracking a person's entire existence. Run by Darpa, the Defense Department's research arm, LifeLog aimed to gather in a single place just about everything an individual says, sees or does: the phone calls made, the TV shows watched, the magazines read the plane tickets bought, the e-mail sent and received. Out of this seemingly endless ocean of information, computer scientists would plot distinctive routes in the data, mapping relationships, memories, events and experiences.
LifeLog's backers said the all-encompassing diary could have turned into a near-perfect digital memory, giving its users computerized assistants with an almost flawless recall of what they had done in the past. But civil libertarians immediately pounced on the project when it debuted last spring, arguing that LifeLog could become the ultimate tool for profiling potential enemies of the state.
Researchers close to the project say they're not sure why it was dropped late last month. Darpa hasn't provided an explanation for LifeLog's quiet cancellation.
(Source): https://www.wired.com/2004/02/pentagon-kills-lifelog-project/
The same day after the Pentagon “canceled” Project Lifelog, Facebook was created. How very convenient, nothing to see here right?
Facebook is a social networking service originally launched as TheFacebook on February 4, 2004, before changing its name to simply Facebook in August 2005.
LifeLog was officially closed on February 4th, 2004. DARPA never provided an explanation for its quiet move to shutter LifeLog
It was quietly “canceled” because it went live in the public domain being used on the population under what is the popular social media platform, Facebook. Canceling it at DARPA gives the perception it no longer exists and was never rolled out.
They use Buttcoin as a medium and launch pad, to precondition and pre-program the public into accepting, adopting and using crypto as currency instead of hard money or crypto backed by hard money. THEY WANT all transactions digital and reliant on 'The grid' without any backing of real tangible value. They don't want paper money, physical gold or silver or other physical forms of payment being used because it can't be tracked, taken offline or watered down using Fractional Reserve Banking methods. It provides too much anonymity, safety outside of the system and creates powerful interpersonal relationships locally as people tend to come together more. Which obviously, they want less of all the above. They also don't want real world value, just a subjective perception based value of what something digital is worth, which is nothing.
Buttcoin is also used as a live time beta test for CBDC. A 'working out' of the kinks if you will, of crypto in live time before officially rolling out their product.
They accomplished this by capitalizing on what they always do; leveraging peoples Fear of missing out, Greed, being trendy and cool, promise of wealth, the story of this product (BTC) being outside the system (when its the system itself) and a way to "stick it to the man". As they pump up the price on purpose, seeing massive gains, who wouldn't want to own Bitcoin and stick it to the man while “getting rich” and being “decentralized” from the system?
The selling points are not hard. They just had to hope people were dumb enough to buy the lore they created around the selling points of a deep state product. As per usual, people are. It's so bad it's become a daily tribal fight fest in the monetary, fiance and economic community. Which serves a purpose as well. More divide and conquer.
If the goal of bankers/globalist is for the world to run off crypto or for people to use crypto of any kind as long as it's digital and on the grid. The answer isn't to use crypto like they want. It's to do the opposite.
Nice brief article. There's so much here on the subject, David Morgan and John Perez did a Bitcoin multi-part series on the subject that was extremely informative. The people behind it, the people in it, from its inception. They're certainly not the types of people we want to have around or be around. In fact, everyone in Bitcoin, with the rare exception of the average Joe hoping to get out of debt by leveraging in Bitcoin, is who we're trying to leave behind or destroy (the CB).