by Dillon Critique from; (substack)
Tuesday September 24 2024
The Federal Reserve (est. 1913) has already destroyed the dollar just fine, without the help of BRICS.
(Chart does not show last four years of devaluation 2020-2024)
BRICS is just the proverbial, ‘Cherry on top’.
(Photo by Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images)
The Federal Reserve has been destroying the Dollar on purpose by way of two main themes (with other subsequent themes).
(1); Fully removing US off the Gold standard in 1971. (Which remember was supposed to be temporary);
As stated by Nixon himself in the video below:
(2); Hyperinflation; accomplished by, Artificially suppressed Rates (2008 on) + QE and or Raised Rates + QE).
What Hyperinflation Looks Like :
Prices before 1952
Prices in 1952
Some may grow tired of me showing this. However, our current situation and reality can not be overstated or over shown.
Why on Purpose?
To, (1); Implement/transition to a CBDC/Crypto slavery surveillance system economy; for World Government centralized control & domination.
(2); To shift power and control from West to East.
The people who control the world believe only they should be making decisions and controlling everything. Humans as individuals and groups cannot manage themselves and should not. They see humanity, freedom/free will and independent sovereignty among individuals and groups as the problem. They believe their digital Technocracy will solve this problem, the human problem and “transcend”.
BRICS isn't destroying the dollar per se. It's more nuanced. It's not an attack on the dollar necessarily either. It is deeper than that. It is a preplanned shifting of power and control from West to East. A changing of paradigms and dialetics. Part of what the ‘elite’ classify as, “Sacred games”.
BRICS are simply decoupling from the Old World Order (Western power block) agreement/control and instating their own (Eastern) World Order/dominance. One that is not influenced or run by the Western power block any longer. Like it has been for the last several generations.
The Western power block dominance/Era is ending/over. The Globalists in the West & East know this and are helping to foment this change. The Globalists in the West know power and control are slipping/shifting domestically/internationally; becoming ever more fragile. Things become more uncertain and chaotic. Threats ever larger and increasing.
This is why the state becomes more vicious, seeking further control, total control. Becoming more orwellian, more tyrannical, more out in the open. Label anything and everything domestic terrorism.
Like a caged animal trapped in a corner foaming at the mouth.
The good times (wealth, reserve status, QE etc.) are over/coming to an end. So now the collpasing empire (US) must play bad cop. Barking real loud and showing their teeth to show the public and world who is still boss. Especially the domestic population as the bread and circuses pack up tents and move Eastward and our western standard of living whirls down the drain without end. Strong arming is all that is left after a failed and collapsed system with government barely clinging on.
No Dissention will be allowed…
This is why both Eastern and Western power blocks are rolling out World Government Digital Technocracy Control & Enslavement applications:,residential%2C%20contact%20and%20biometric%20details.
How could this be used for control?
With digital money or currency tied to digital bank accounts in a digital system, if you do something our overlords do not like…
Society will become and be based on a monkey see monkey do approach. If monkey doesn't see and monkey doesn't do, it's bye bye monkey.
Is the Eastern Dialectic (BRICS) the Good Guys?
Make no mistake, the Eastern power block might be a better power block on the surface compared to the western power block currently today and probably for the foreseeable future. It would possibly be better to live under considering where the US is head.
However, the East is still part of, participates in and complies with World Government centralized control and policies with variations. Variations that best suit their dialetical image they are presenting for that specific power block in time to the world and their domestic population. Currently it is the East becoming more ethical and financially wealthy, as the west further descends into poverty and depravity.
The Eastern power block is simply an opposing dialetic of the Western power block dialectic. Much like Left vs Right politics being a false dialetic. The Left vs Right politicians/party are in truth club members and a uniparty (for the most part).
Left vs Right; East vs West is a false dialetic control tool/mechanism for population control and social engineering. Good cop vs bad cop; one plays conservative and one plays far left. Divide and Conquer.
False dialetics can be done on a small scale such as local politics in a nation or the world stage with competing regional power blocks.
The Western vs Eastern Power block is the same. Both belong to World Government. They just play or present different sides or fences. The false illusion of a world at battle when they are in lock step working to achieve the same single goal. That's not to discount small complexities and betrayals in between.
So will BRICS “destroy” the dollar? Sure. It's more like the chapter has changed; so the stage and actors along with it.