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The Federal Reserve does not plan on cutting rates. Why?
The Federal Reserve is purposely raising rates to (1) collapse the current system and make way for the new system of CBDCs. To (2) ‘burn off’ the debt through Hyperinflation with higher than usual interest rates, relatively speaking, while continuing Quantitative Easing (Currency Creation). To (3) kill off and or irrevocably damage “non-club” member businesses, banks and corporations. To (4) destroy the middle class and lower class/poor. “You’ll own nothing and be happy”. (5) Raising rates gains a short to medium term defensive play of dollar supremacy, over other fiat currencies globally. The dollar being; “The best shirt in the dirty hamper” analogy. (6) Conducting a “Psychological Operation” on the population, in the form of “Perception Mangement”. The act of rate increases themselves, including rate increase or decrease rhetoric, serve as a psychological manipulation. It makes the Federal Reserve appear as though they are fighting inflation, when they infact are not. This false belief induces a certain wanted output they have in mind, in individuals thoughts and actions. (7) The Fed is also raising rates and hyperinflating the dollar to make way for the new empire(s) of the East and their systems, as the westerns dominance downfall commences in full swing to collapse.
As a side note, Hyperinflation has already begun. It began in Quarter two of 2020. Looking at the Velocity of M2 money stock chart below, Quarter two 2020 saw the LOWEST RECORDED CURRENCY VELOCITY in American History, with the HIGHEST EVER RECORDED INFLATION (1980s based real rate of inflation). This meant that, if velocity picked up significantly from being the lowest in recorded history, with the highest recorded ever inflation, the speed of that inflation turns into hyperinflation. Why? The difference between inflation and hyperinflation, is the speed at which inflation occurs. Well, if you have record low velocity with record high inflation and velocity increases drastically……you break new levels of record inflation constantly as velocity continues to rise and the currency is being devalued. It is a non stop doom loop. The currency is hyperinflating, as the news and government tell you the economy and stock market are booming. Meanwhile, Central Banks, the wealthy and insiders are hoarding Gold and Silver at never before seen levels, as they funnel the public into crypto for the slaughter.
Note about the Inflation Chart above:
The CPI on the Alternate Data Series tab here reflects the CPI as if it were calculated using the methodologies in place in 1980. In general terms, methodological shifts in government reporting have depressed reported inflation, moving the concept of the CPI away from being a measure of the cost of living needed to maintain a constant standard of living.
Further definition is provided in our CPI Glossary. Further background on the SGS-Alternate CPI series is available in our Public Comment on Inflation Measurement.
The Federal Reserve may engage in tactical rate cuts for psychological or propaganda use purposes or quickly plugging 'unmanageable leaks' of some sort. However, it is not a main policy procedure, as it once was, any longer.
*End of the US Empire & the Dollar*
This is the official end of the US empire and its' currency the dollar, in live time on purpose. Nine out of ten Americans, are already feeling the immense physical, spiritual and emotional pain this slow purposeful collapse has already brought in it's beginning phase. When you understand this is all done on purpose and how; nothing is confusing anymore and you understand central bankers are not as stupid as many claim, although some could be. They do this on purpose, while acting stupid. You're not supposed to know bankers are controlled puppets, just like the president, as orders and agendas are handed down to them. Something like say, a New World Order or Build Back Better? In order to build back something better, musn't it be destroyed, obliterated or annihilated? For a New World, doesn't the old have to be destroyed or altered in some significant fashion? It's already been happening for quite awhile. We've just hit a new apex and the public is now noticing to a degree. Psychological manipulation only goes so far when things are crumbling around you.
*Central Banks & Insiders*
This is why central banks are hoarding gold at levels never before seen, while simultaneously talking about and creating CBDC and UBI; as insiders are selling stock positions & relocating outside the US. Not to mention the number of "Dooms day bunkers" being built among those, "in the know". They all know what was stated above as common knowledge, the general public doesn't and will be the bag holders. Why do you think all the garbage insiders sold and the Bonds Central Banks are dumping were scooped up by pension funds and sold to retail? This is a wealth transfer and wipe out.
*Bitcoin & the suppression of precious metals*
All the above mentioned, is why Buttcoin is allowed to be pumped up, while metal prices are illegally suppressed. This is purposely done, at specific dates and times. This drives people into Buttcoin by way of greed and not physical metals, where THEY SHOULD BE. As the Central banks, “elite”/wealthy and insiders are doing. Suppressed metal prices allow the domestic and international Central Banks, 1% and East to buy up all the metal at pennies on the dollar with no competition or consciousness from the masses at large. While the public buys so called digital coins, that do not exist and are not even actual coins to begin with. This also drains metals from the West to the East. Buttcoin, modern day fools gold, is where the pigs are being herded for slaughter. That's not to say you couldn't have made a pretty penny in the pig pen, some did and you probably still can. The point is, it is a trap, for what's currently going on. That's where the proverbial "they", want the public, is in cryptos. Buttcoin serves as global public Psychological Conditioning Operation. It's Pre-programming the public, to get the public use to, adopt and accept crypto. Buttcoin also serves as a live time beta test for finalized CBDC use. A working out of the kinks of crypto if you will, before going live.
I will humbly admit, of course I could be completely wrong regarding rates themselves. However, even if the Fed does cut rates slightly, takes them to zero or even negative, it changes nothing about what is stated above. It only changes the time frame of collapse.
-Dillon Critique from What's the DILL?
I will be starting 2 new YouTube channels in the coming months as my previous was censored. If you are interested, leave a comment and or check this website once a month for and update when the channels go live. Finance & Economics will be one channel, another will be theology and philosophy, esoteric & exoteric analysis. Social and cultural commentary.