Houston Mayor Announces Smart City Surveillance Ghettos
Makes Promise to World Government Stakeholders
Houston Texas Mayor Officially Announces World Government Smart City, Installation of New Leadership & Makes Promise to World Economic Forum Globalist Stakeholders
If you didn't know already, Houston Texas has been captured by the United Nations aka Global Government. Local officials and Organizations adhere to and implement United Nations/World Economic Forum Policies and Agendas.
The link below is the official UN Charter in Houston Texas
In the video linked below, Houston Texas Mayor exuberantly states;
“We’ll be announcing shortly, our intent to make Houston the most affordable housing big city in America, with a change in leadership. We're going to work with council member Thomas and all the stakeholders, to see that this vision becomes reality.”
The Breakdown
“Affordable housing” = code word for; Smart City Ghettos.
Affordable housing sounds much better publicly, than telling people you're going to be setting up a Smart City surveillance prison. Which is just a modern day high tech concentration camp. Everyone would hate that and find it suspicious. What people do not hate or find suspicious is… “Affordable Housing”.
When the Texas Mayor alludes to a “Change in leadership”, he is talking about purging leadership who are not global government club members or adherents. Much like when the military was purged by the woke and global government class. This is being done at the local, county and state level. As it has been for generations. This is a tactic out of the “Communist Manifesto”, which has been highly utilized to slowly, quietly subvert, infiltrate and take over America.
“…We're going to work with council member Thomas and all the stakeholders, to see that this vision becomes reality.”
This kind of speech reminds me when George Bush Senior (Daddy Bush) in; Address to the Nation on the Invasion of Iraq; delivered 16 January 1991 stated the following:
“We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders.”
What is a “Stakeholder” that the Houston Texas Mayor is talking about?
A Stakeholder comes from the founder of the World Economic Forum (Global Government), Klaus Schwab and his vision of what he calls, “Stakeholder Capitalism”. The following is taken from the World Economic Forums own website lamenting Stakeholders and Stakeholder Capitalism:
“Klaus Schwab finds new ways of doing things that can help build the future and put us on a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable path. What these solutions share, is their adherence to the “stakeholder model”. In it, various stakeholders of an economy don’t only look after their own interests, but that of society as whole, leading to a system of “stakeholder capitalism”. It contrasts to present systems where the interests of a single stakeholder prevail, such as shareholder capitalism, or state capitalism.
Ultimately, the stakeholder model Schwab suggests, is one where government, business, and individuals collaborate; where longer-term planning for future generations replaces short-sighted presentism, and where better measures of success allow us to move beyond a myopic focus on GDP and short-term profits.
Schwab concludes by discussing initiatives such as the “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics”, adopted in 2020 by many of the largest companies in the world, or the Living Standard Framework of the New Zealand government. It is when we apply this model consistently, Schwab writes, that we can build a global economy that works for progress, people and planet.”
You can read the full level of insanity here;
(Source) Article:
Continuing with the Houston Texas Mayors quote;
“We're going to work with council member Thomas and all the stakeholders, to see that this vision becomes reality.”
Just as George Bush Senior talked about a New World Order, the promise and vision by the UN founders being fulfilled. Is the same vision, and promise the Texas Mayor is alluding too. Smart Cities is one of many UN/World Economic Forum/DAVOS Global Government Agendas.
If you are still not convinced, I leave you this quote by the former Houston Texas Mayor;
“We must leap, not stroll into the future. We must sprint, not jog. It will be this city that will be the Smart City of the world."
Mayor Sylvester Turner, May 2018
I digress and rest my case.
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BY: Dillon Critique from; what’s the DILL?
(Source): Video of Houston Texas Mayor:
Extremely informative and posting links for support. Txs for educating the public in an otherwise non-transparent political environment.