Globalists Admit BITCOIN a PSY-OP
for new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE)"- Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (Substack)
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Saturday December 7 2024
*People Do Not Know This Until YOU SHARE it*
Central Banks (Centralized Banking) are the “Money Managers” or “Money Masters” of the Centralized World Government Finance, Economic and Monetary System spanning the globe.
Central banks and their members, coordinate and work together. They are all part of the same centralized system working towards the same goal/agenda. That is not to say infighting does not occur among themselves. After all, there is no honor among thieves.
Central Banks are just one node of what David Icke calls; “The Spiders Web”.
If you do not know what David Icke’s “the spiders web” is, below is a brief video of David explaining it.
Presiding over Central Banks in the higher nodes of “the spiders web” is; “The Bank for International Settlements”, the “World Bank” and the “International Monetary Fund”.
This Compartmentalization or layering is essentially the “spiders web”, in short.
Buttcoin, the term I coined for Bitcoin in 2018 on twitter before being banned, is becoming a more popularized term now and being picked up everywhere. Even
has picked it up.Below is the original article I wrote in 2021 and have spammed Buttcoin everywhere since then for years trying to warn people Bitcoin/cryptos are a PSY-OP and World Government Creation.
Cryptos are a Psy-Op and World Government Creation | BlackBoxPolitics
I don’t say this to engage with ego. Rather and more importantly, to lend credence to my work and influence, as that is all you have as a writer. It is all the ‘currency’ (pun intended) you have.
The idea that Bitcoin possibly being a deep state product, has been around for quite some time. However, some of those who have held this very idea going back to Bitcoins beginnings, are some of Bitcoins/cryptos biggest supporters now. Make of that what you will.
People who have any involvement or support for crypto like Bitcoin, are what the Deep State calls; “Useful Idiots”.
Because Buttcoin is a PSY-OP and a crypto holder is a PATSY’S (“Useful Idiot”).
For those who do not know what a PATSY is;
The Deep State knows in advance (since they run & control everything) that the, (1); Dollar is dead/has been dying & will die (as planned)
that a future alternative (crypto) would be needed and that people would seek out alternatives to the system. The Deep state implemented their digital alternative (Buttcoin) to get the ball rolling for the general public. A live time beta test and psychological conditioning operation. The deep state knows Fiat would never last forever and was a temporary way of life that would ultimately lead to the new pre-planned (what I call) the “Digital Monetary Slavery Surveillance System”.
HINT: That’s why the Elite (1%-0.1%), Central Banks, Royalty, insiders, club members etc. are hoarding physical Gold/assets at never-before-seen levels.
Central banks bought the most gold on record last year, WGC says | Reuters
Central banks have been buying gold at a record pace
The Ultra-Rich Are Hoarding Gold in Secret Bunkers Fearing an Apocalpyse
The world's super-rich are hoarding physical gold
Even the corrupt politicians now know to accept gold and not just dollars for their bribes; NOT BUTTCOIN or CRYPTO as payment…
Senator found guilty of corruption after gold bars and $500,000 found at his home
The deep state needs…
(2); a trap/redirection for Capital flows before pulling the plug on said capital and flows.
Crypto OF ANY FORM is that trap. Crypto does not even have to be controlled by the Money Managers or system itself; it can be an independent crypto. Why? Digital air all goes down the same in a “CyberPandemic”. The less physical assets you have, is all they care about. As long as you are in the digital gulag of any form or kind, you are right where they want you.
Hence why the World Economic Forum says…
With anything digital, you do not really own anything. That’s ONE REASON why everything is going digital. Wave goodbye to physcial ownership.
“If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it.”-Lynette Zang
The deep state WANTS…
(3); The public to own and invest in as much digital air OF ANY KIND and no real hard assets.
This is why the public are the only ones buying crypto in mass while the club members (Central Banks, the 0.1%-1%, royalty etc.) are all hoarding physical assets at never-before-seen levels and climbing. They have gotten the memo of this wealth and monetary transfer. They know all of this digital garbage is simply the rounding up of the pigs in the pig pen before the eventual slaughter and slavery.
That’s not to say you can’t make any money in these traps. The point is, they are traps. This will play into Klaus Schwab’s “CyberPandemic” or “CyberPolygon”. They are going to herd as many as they can into the digital space before said cyber pandemic wiping everyone out. Then you’ll either have hard assets or be taking the mark of the beast for your digital ration card and Universal Basic Income. I say that tongue in cheek slightly, but that is coming at some point.
Those who continue to invest into crypto or in any way participate in propping up this system, are only helping to enslave themselves and others by feeding ‘the beast’.
Klaus Schwab, in the video below, makes it clear this is actually real and coming. Not just a simulation…
Again, admitting this to your face publicly, is a “lesser black magic” ‘mocking ritual’. A type of ‘shoving it in your face’ on a metaphysical level. Telling you what they plan on doing, before actually doing it to you.
In the Cyber Polygon screenshot picture above, “participants” are all the New World Order World Government United Nations, Nations/states members who will carry out these attacks and agendas.
Cyber Polygon is not a training event. It is an exercise or rehearsal, disguised as a simulated event, for real world purpose and execution down the road. Or in this case, what seems to be right around the corner.
That is why the undercover globalist Trump says we are going to be the Crypto Captial of the Planet…
BUTTCOIN (Bitcoin): Idiocracy-Coin
Is a PSY-OP created by the Deep State
As a psychological pre-programming and preconditioning operation/steppingstone.
Bitcoin psy-op was executed on the public during the 2008 financial crisis
In order to shift the public "organically" and “naturally” to crypto or what I call the World Government’s'; “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE)”.
The 2008 financial crisis was the perfect opportunity or Hegelian Dialectic (Problem, Reaction & Solution) that the deep state utilized in order to begin the pre-programming, pre-conditioning and transition phase to the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE)”.
As Rahm Emanuel states below in the video;
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” -Rahm Emanuel
Bitcoin was the first live time deep state beta test and social engineering operation of crypto, before CBDC or other forms Crypto payments and creations. The 2008 financial crisis was the proverbial, “…to do things you think you could not do before” opportunity.
In order to sell this new product (crypto) to the public during and after this manufactured crisis, a fake character (Satoshi) and lore or cover story needed to be made.
Character and lore are the two best ingredients to form any fake ‘superhero marvel character’ paradigm story that will save humanity.
(1); The fake character Satoshi can’t be verified or confirmed in any way; the Deep State hides behind the name Satoshi and Satoshi can not and will not be truly verified, because the deep state is Satoshi. Sure, they will roll out some fake figures who claim to be Satoshi to keep the psy-op going and alive or will roll out a singular public figure to finally lay claim to the Satoshi throne. However, it will be bullshit. The public like always, will of course eat this bullshit up while asking for a second helping.
(2); The Lore or cover story is; ‘Bitcoin was created as an opposition to the system’. The reality is, Buttcoin is the system. Pretty basic kindergarten form of reverse psychology. People were just fooled and sold a bill of goods (propaganda) when they needed and desired said fake bill of goods (propaganda) the most the during financial crisis seeking alternatives or escapes (past & present).
People will believe this false two ingredient story every time because the Eugenicists know how the general public’s mind operates.
It works so well, the deep state has actually managed to turn crypto into a cult and also use it as a “Divide and Conquer” technique. They have crypto heads and old school physical asset holders at each others throats every time a Bitcoin vs Gold topic comes up. The division is quite palpable.
The elite know that the general public’s mind is childlike. That’s why people are given stickers like children, after they vote. That is because that is how the elite see or view us.
You are given ‘gold stars’ or a pat on the back when mindlessly conforming to their programming or psy-ops. The sticker is meant to reinforce this behavior. Stickers are human doggy treats.
Stickers also serves as a form of group think. ‘There must be something wrong with you if you don’t sport the “I voted” sticker and are not wearing it proudly like the rest of the cattle’.
Bitcoin is a trap to herd the public or dumb money into before the absolute slaughter.
This is why Powell is PROMOTING BUTTCOIN saying Bitcoin is like Gold.
Powell is helping to pre-program, pre-condition and transition the public into crypto. To help funnel those foolish enough into the trap. They are attempting to change the narrative and reality itself, by having the audacity with a straight face to liken Bitcoin to Gold.
That’s the equivalent of saying, ‘a digital car is like a physical car, it’s just virtual and digital’.
Is Bitcoin scarce like Gold?
Bitcoin is man-made artificial scarcity.
Man-made artificial scarcity is not the same thing as, nor equates to, real world naturally occurring scarcity.
Man-man artificial scarcity is not real scarcity, it is artificial. Because it is artificial, it is not really scarcity. Only real world naturally occurring scarcity, is truly scarcity IN THE CONTEXT OF MONEY.
Artificial scarcity and real world naturally occurring scarcity are two completely separate things and cannot be compared.
Fed Chair Powell: Bitcoin Is 'Like Gold, It's Just Virtual And Digital'
Crypto Social Engineering PSY-OP Propaganda (Pre-programming & Pre-Conditioning) in Entertainment
“Mr. Robot” TV Show Series (1m:31s)
In the video above (“Mr.Robot” tv series),
the character without glasses, alludes or gives the impression that Bitcoin is an independent crypto that the system does not control. This subtle lie helps further drive the public into Buttcoin (Bitcoin) while continuing the psy-op that Bitcoin is; “An opposition to the system”. The reality is, Bitcoin was made by the system and rolled out during the 2008 financial crisis.
“Big Bang Theory” TV Show Series
In the video below (“Big Bang” tv series),
The video is a “lesser black magic” ‘mocking ritual’ to the viewers face using comedy as a cover; that Bitcoin has no real value, that you engage in meaningless tasks and wasteful energy to solve vapid mathematical problems that output nothing of real tangible value and is then taxed by Government. This propaganda showcases how the general public does not care about any of this and is mindlessly jumping on the bandwagon of digital slavery and surveillance.
This propaganda also serves as a form of inducting or initiating those who do not know about bitcoin.
This video also showcases how this is nothing more than a new cool trendy fad among younger people to socially bond over.
Another Trump Puppet (ERIC TRUMP) Pushing Crypto + propaganda on behalf of World Government
World's Largest Asset Manager Suggests Up To 2% Is "Reasonable" Bitcoin Portfolio Allocation | ZeroHedge
Fake left vs right paradigm/dialectic puppet oppositions now support each other
Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Gives Eye-Popping $1 Million To Trump's Inaugural Fund | ZeroHedge
Eric Trump: My Father Wants To Make U.S. The World's 'Crypto Capital' | ZeroHedge
Dalio Predicts Global Debt Crisis, Backs Bitcoin & Gold | ZeroHedge
You can pick whatever favorite flavored pied piper and false prophet you want to convince you Buttcoin is a good idea. You are being led to the digital gulag slaughter by club members.
You are not in the club. All of these people, are. They are not buying crypto. They are buying physical assets.
These people are what is called; “Change Agents”.
These Change agents’ job, in the context of Bitcoin, is to lead you into the digital pig pen.
Unfortunately, many are squealing their way there with joy.
As if we need any more proof Bitcoin was created by the deep state…
right on que.
Trump is an undercover globalist playing Billionaire patriot for us peasants. Trump got away with two big World Government agendas; (1); Medical Martial Law and (2); Depopulation Operation Warp Speed Death Shots.
Now that Trump has been reelected by the same population he committed genocide and medical martial law on, Trump has been named “TIME’s PERSON OF THE YEAR”, as he leads the sheeple to the crypto “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE crypto)”.
The system pretends to hate Trump as part of the false left vs right paradigm/dialectic dog and pony show. Trump is a false opposition leader/character.
Trump is TIME magazines “Person of the Year” beacuse Trump is a club member. Trump is a globalist.
If Trump was truly against the system and the system hated him, they wouldn’t put him on the front cover of TIME MAGA-zine as person of the year, looking like a most satisfied gangster.
Trump is receiving this honor on behalf of the globalists because Trump played his part, played the public like fools and is readying for round two with what I call the “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy” while the same fools cheer him on.
They are shoving it your face as a “lesser black magic” ‘mocking ritual’ while the general public are unable to put together what I have laid out above.
Ask yourself why the system and all of its’ minions, all of a sudden are promoting, pushing and using Bitcoin/cryptos in general. Why would the system use and promote Bitcoin if it was truly made in opposition to said system?
They wouldn’t.
What is the endgame for Bitcoin? Do the globalist's continue to take the price higher, and BTC holders all get super rich? Or, do they do a rug pull, drawing in retail FOMO investors to allow whales to dump their bags, then destroy it? Or, something else?
Insider sell-off in motion.
Some traders have said they have never been sitting on so much cash.