Peter Schiff VS Fox Business Change Agents
Pushing Globalist Bitcoin Trap on Public Over Gold
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The point of this article is;
1. To showcase & breakdown the “Psychological Operation” being conducted in the interview.
To explain how the alleged “Change Agents” involved (Charles Payne and Natalie “NATA-LIE” Brunell), are conducting the Psy-op within the interview and there coordination together/attack on Peter’s position.
Change agent tip: Beautiful women are always used as Change agents or deep state operatives. Most of the time they know they are being used, sometimes not.
The Mainstream Medias job is to be the middle men who facilitate the publics thoughts and actions into the ideologies/narratives /financial products of the Globalist, without them being the wiser to it. The public is the product, the institutions and organizations are the service.
You are currently being and have been Pre-programmed, Pre-conditioned and transitioned into the Globalists new digital monetary system before your very eyes while not even realizing it. Hell, many are equating it to new found freedom. Which is what they want you to think and believe. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It's not so much that Peter himself as a person is a threat to the system, but rather his ideas. Peter’s take, thoughts, solutions/prescriptions and the education/truth he gives and tells. As it is in direct opposition to the Globalist narrative and takes the publics thoughts, perceptions and actions, where the globalist do not want them to go or want them to do.
So, what's the DILL?
What a Globalist approved Propaganda Ministry like Fox Business does; is lay a trap, a setup for their opposition and the public. While trying to make it appear as a good faith debate or honest exchange of ideas, with a so called “unbiased” host. When you watch the video, it's laughable, as always. Even Peter’s comment section under YouTube, sees and knows this all to well.
Some people believe, this is just simply the show biz and how it goes. That's true, to a degree. However, people are not cognizant of or realizing there is a much deeper, larger conscious operation and hidden agenda being conducted and the guest/public is none the wiser.
The Propaganda Ministry (Globalist ideology) will invite their opposition (Peter-Americana ideology) to a show. Of which they will have their change agents, the moderator (Charles) and preselected Globalist guest Natalie (NATA-LIE), gang up on and attack the other invited guest/idea they are targeting. This can be a soft attack or a hard line attack. This particular segment, is a soft attack.
The hidden agenda is “Perception Management”, “Psychological Warfare” and “Information Warfare”.
The Breakdown
By Timeframe
00:00 - 0:39
The initial opening of the segment, makes it appear as though this is a good faith back and fourth debate of an “Asset” (Buttcoin). When in reality, it's a kindergarten type of hype and propaganda brainwashing of a financial product. In short, social engineering at its’ most cringe.
Natalie: “Long term the price (of buttcoin) has been trending up and we’ve actually never seen a new all time high in a cycle prior to the next halving so things could get a little spicy.”
Of course the opening monologue setup is of Natalie & Charles promoting Buttcoin. To which then Peter is invited in later as some kind of secondary random guest with a lesser authority and presence. Setup that way on purpose. It's all subtle psychological window dressing.
00:38 - 00:46
The Buttcoin chart is shown, along with Charle’s commentary;
Charles: We've got em’ (Bitcoin) on the chart here, so ITS JUST AMAZING! It's hard not to be enticed by what we are seeing here over a period of time."
Second psychological seed planted in opening
1:01 - 1:30
Natalie: “I really think it (Bitcoin) demonstrates the elegance of this programmatic monetary policy that really is an elegant set of rules with no rulers that we all engage in and participate in voluntarily. No one is imposing this on us. Bitcoin is chosen by us the people.”
The last three sentences are where the meat is at. (1) “No rulers”. How would she know? Nobody, but me of course, even knows who created Buttcoin (DARPA, MIT, NSA). Satoshi, the individual and his fake lore story, are all unverifiable. How convenient for the globalist eh. (2) Bitcoin doesn't have to be imposed, for it to be a deep state creation or a trap. (3) People choosing Bitcoin, doesn't mean they didn't just fall into a globalist trap or were not psychologically lead there, without knowing it. How do you get someone to do something, while making them think it was their own idea to do so? Buttcoin is a the perfect example. This “we the people” bs selling point, is a reverse psych tactic to get people to think it's safe and that choosing Bitcoin was their own original idea and a patriot move. When in reality, that's where the globalist want people to flock too while they pile into real hard assets like Gold and Silver. Of course Natalie is selling the exact narrative that would work on the American public during a time of economic corruption and collapse. It offers hope, fake freedom and tribalism/group think.
1:42 - 2:07
Nata-lie (in your face, do get it?) it is a lie: “The smart money and the permanent capital is seeking shelter in Bitcoin and more and more investors are going to see it as this flight to safety… Bitcoin is the one thing that is certain and predictable……it decouples the power to manipulate money from the state and it allows all of us to be in a fair competition so that real value can come to the surface.”
No, smart money is not buying buttcoin. She says this in hopes the herd watching nods their heads and says to themselves, well if smart money is buying, so should I. No, Bitcoin is not a flight to safety. Here she plays to the security and safety psych technique that people want, need and desire. Bitcoin is anything but certain and predictable. Here she panders to the peoples need for stability psych technique. Bitcoin isn't money. She plays to peoples ignorance of what money actually is and has been for thousands of years while offering a new product of what people think is money or want to be money. She says the state can't manipulate Bitcoin. Yet she doesn't even know who owns or created Buttcoin. Here she plays to the separation of state and money. When in reality, Buttcoin is the state, as it was created by the Globalist. It's easier to fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled. Digital numbers or code in cyber space, doesn't have value in the economic or financial sense. Just like a digital house, car or food doesn't have any value in the economic or financial sense. That's called brainwashing.
4:05 - 4:50
Natalie: “Bitcoiners don't feel the need to constantly attack gold.”
Who in their right mind believes this load of horse shit? That's all the majority of bitcoiners do. Not ALL, but a vast majority. Hell, they even call gold/silver “Boomer Rocks”. It really does show the historical short sightedness of the digital fools gold lovers.
Natalie: “The reason why we have this failed experiment that has impoverished our nation, is because of the defects of Gold.”
Isn't this the wildest load of propaganda BS you've ever heard? Yeah Natalie, Gold is the issue. Not government or Central Banking or the Federal Reserve or fraud and corruption. It’s gold. Gold made us collapse. It will be written about for centuries.
5:24 - 6:04
Charles offered no push back against NATA-LIE. However, here you can see Charles begin the soft attack against Peter/ Austrian Economics and the viewers ignorance of money while challenging him and taking away his time to speak.
Charles: “But Peter anything can be money.”
No, Charles. Anything can be currency. However, not ANYTHING CAN BE MONEY.
Charles: “Bitcoin is on the rise, wall street has embraced it and this is just a tiny spec. I mean could you just imagine Peter at the rate of recognition if Bitcoin keeps going at this rate it's hard to deny it could go substantially higher.”
Yeah, sell that deep state crypto Charles. Wall Street has not embraced Bitcoin. It probably will go higher until the public is educated on what real money is, realizes the Propaganda like this being pushed on them, why and who actually created it.
6:03 - 6:30
Peter begins to respond to the absurdity that was just stated for 30 seconds and then Charles shuts him off by saying; “Natalie wants to jump back in”, giving her, her que to lay more propaganda bs on the audience while dismissing Peter's stance as if it’s irrelevant. Why should she jump back in? She had a whole opening monologue.
6:37 -
Natalie: “We need a neutral system to store wealth.”
I agree and we can do that with gold. However, how can you know Bitcoin is neutral when you don't know who owns or created Bitcoin. A false belief in a unverifiable fairy tale is not up to snuff as a standard as much as you try to sell it as one.
Natalie: “We tried Gold, it didn't work. That system has failed the American people and Bitcoin does provide hope for us the working class. We want to be able to work for something that has to be measured by a free market so that we can see real value…”
Here's what she's really saying:
We (the globalist) purposely took you off the Gold standard because it doest’t work well with World Government surveillance and control. Bitcoin and crypto in general does and we want you to know it's a better system than the one we collapsed on purpose. Don't you working class folks want to work for something that doesn't exist or have real value you can see and hold. Don't you want to know what real freedom is like!? Stop using garbage that has been used for 5,000 years. Buy this digital coin that's not even a coin or tangible, so when we turn off the grid and reset the Internet of things, we can bend you over real good. I mean, ‘JuSt Lo0k aT tHe PrIce, it gO Up anD uP DuUuuUh.’
I want to commend you for seeing what I also see and laid out in the article. It is ashame not many people see what is right in front of them like yourself. I appreciate your kind words, taking the time to comment and read. Thank you!
Yeah, I watched that interview and it was absolutely absurd, they did everything they could, to not let Peter Schiff speak truth! They kept cutting him off and then Payne gave her the last word and it was just sickening. The shit she was spewing was just absurd! I don’t think anybody of reasonable intelligence was buying into that stupid crap! It is good of you to point it out though, and I’m glad to see there’s people other than I, see through the BS! Good one!