(VIDEO) UNDENIABLE PROOF: Trump an Undercover Globalist; Catherine Austin Fitts Takes Greg Hunter to Task w/COMMON SENSE
8 yr old article & 1yr old video aged like Fine wine as Trump begins FILLING THE SWAMP AGAIN! Public played for fools once again in the false left vs right Paradigm/Dialectic
by Dillon Critique from
Wednesday November 27 2024
I have been publicly stating and writing since 2016, that Trump is an undercover globalist, including how & why.
That all Presidents are globalists and or preselected ‘club members’…
Trump is a fraud: Predicted in 2016, selected to play a character | BlackBoxPolitics
The article above and video below (one of several of my Shadow-banned YouTube accounts), aged like fine wine and cannot be denied by anyone with a properly functioning brain or those spiritually connected…
(Embedded Site Video)
(Original Source Video - Critique The Tweet YT)
Trump was on board with the Eugenics Depopulation prior to 2022.
Which is why Trump executed Medical Martial Law, locking down the economy and country. Why Trump also executed what I call the; “Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots Campaign”.
Trump always knew full well what was going on and when. Why? Trump is and always has been a club member. It is just that the general public are the only ones who are not read in or understand this. The general public does not understand how our country or the world truly works. How truly vast and evil things/people are. The public live in a false left vs right paradigm that they think is real. Including the people in said left vs right paradigm/dialectic.
The billionaire class knows exactly what the left vs right paradigm is. Very few Billionaires, if any, are not truly that stupid as to not know. Especially, those like Trump. Anyone who says otherwise, is naive and ignorant.
Trump then again doubled down after public backlash, on the Eugenics Depopulation Operation in 2022. Trump labeled his “Operation Depopulation Warp Speed Death Shots Campaign”, as; ‘One of the Greatest Achievements of mankind’. Again, urging his supporters to get Vaxxed up.
Trump is extremely proud that he was able to accomplish and get away with what none of his satanic peers; Bush, Obama or Hillary, could have. That was committing (1) Medical Martial Law locking down the country and economy and Committing (2) Mass genocide with his covid vaccines. Which Trump still supports to this day. As if we need any more proof, Trump’s a globalist.
Trump renews praise for Covid vaccines, 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind'
Because the general public are ignorant (there is no ego, emotion or “superiority” attached to this statement) and idol worship a false billionaire pied piper and false saviour ‘prophet’, the public makes any and all kinds of childish and naive excuses for Trump’s globalist actions, his globalist behavior and globalist stances he takes.
Those excuses include things like; “Trump didn’t know any better”, “Trump was fooled”, “Trump didn’t mandate genocide, he only supported it. So therefore, it’s ok and not his fault”, “The deep state controls everything (except for trump right lol)” and so on.
Yes, these are real excuses grow adults are actually giving for the leader of their country and people, as if it’s anywhere near acceptable or coherent. That’s one reason most people in my opinion, should not vote. They have no real standards or hold anyone to a certain level of standards. Trump is case in point.
That’s part of the psychological operation being conducted on the public. Part of the “perception Management”. To get the public to make bs excuses for Trump. To get the public to view Trump as some kind of innocent, naive, true patriot and good person, who is just stupid or foolish and doesn’t know any better while being played by the deep state.
Truth is, Trump is the deep state and he knows better. Trump just pulled the wool over your eyes and you made excuses for said wool pulling.
(VIDEO) Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated
If anyone is dumb enough to believe this globalist (Trump) and any of his family got the Covid vaccine, God bless and help you.
Trump said that he and his family received the covid vaccine, in the hopes you are dumb enough, like all globalist, to believe it (what they say) and off yourself or maim yourself/family/friends by taking his “Operation Warp Speed Depopulation Death Shots”.
First, they swoon you. They tell you exactly what you want to hear and act how you want them to act. They get you to believe in them, trust in them and believe they are authentic or real, along with their ideas or perceptions. Then they slowly lead you to hell while you make excuses along the way there. That is why nothing has ever changed in this country from voting or whoever is in the White House. They are all club members that have been slowly killing the country from within for generations as the public is none the wiser.
Trump urges people to get COVID vaccine, saying it's safe and works - CBS News
Trump Snake Poem
Trump satanically mocked you in your face, like all globalists do, complete with symbolism, by reading; “The Snake Poem”, to his audience. Trump is ritually publicly admitting to you on stage, he is a snake, he is a satanist. If you follow him after this public ritual admission in your face, in their philosophy/theology, they believe whatever happens to you, YOU DESERVE and that it is your own fault.
NOTE: Not everyone who uses the 666 (ok) hand sign equals a satanist or club member. Sometimes people use them organically when speaking. However, in this context, Trump is a raging satanist, who simply pretends not to be. Trump hides behind his patriot brand/image (easy to fool the public), his public charities/good deeds etc. It is all perception management.
What about the Attacks on Trump?
The scripted attacks on Trump, by the left (Democrats), Media and ‘the system’ in general, are part of the false left vs right paradigm dog and pony show. These attacks are part of the perception management. These attacks are a psychological operation/manipulation, that helps further solidify and affirm Trumps scripted character/image, in the public’s mind. It helps solidify in the public’s mind, that Trump is the real deal because of said scripted/preplanned attacks. The general public not knowing any better, view these attacks as organic. This falsity helps further draw the moths (the public) to the flame (Trump or whatever false leader) that will and eventually did burn them (Martial Law, Depopulation shots).
Martial Law and Depopulation are some of the top main goals of the globalists. So, they get their controlled opposition leader presidents to throw you small breadcrumbs to appease you while enacting larger world government policies. They hide behind the small breadcrumbs that are meant to appease you and use it as a psychological manipulation/cover, while their big plans roll through.
These small breadcrumbs would be something like; lessening LGBTQ policies in school or deporting illegal immigrants. That is a great thing and something that should be done obviously. However, it cannot be accomplished in one simple go, these things become null and void when larger world government policies are enacted. They give an inch while taking 100 miles. By the time the next controlled opposition puppet rolls in, they just continue whatever policy was halted or thwarted and continue again with the larger world government policy operations.
Do you notice how the bigger ticket items that really need to be changed immediately and can affect the greatest change in this country, are never touched by the Presidents, only the small breadcrumbs I mentioned. These small breadcrumbs are always fought over and over but never actually fully get fixed. How the three letter agencies are never broken up or reformed. Monopolies and corruption run rampant. Why the Federal Reserve is left standing. Why we keep losing more freedoms. Why no one ever goes to prison for treason and so on.
The system knows that when they attack Trump, people see it as organic. They know it drives people closer to Trump or whatever controlled opposition leader they are attacking. The system is attacking Trump, purposely driving you closer to a controlled opposition leader, that you do not know is a controlled opposition leader.
Just finished watching and reading.
Excellent work.
I didn't learn anything new personally, but I'm not the norm. Just happy to see I'm not alone.
This should be mandatory viewing/reading.
Unfortunately, to the truly brainwashed, that probably wouldn't even change their minds.
Undercover? Only to the blind.