Trump Executes BRICS Tariff (Tax) for World Gov De-Dollarization & Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy
Public played for fools...again...
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Monday December 2 2024
I am the only individual or Substack with this unique view, perception and analysis.
Trump executed another World Government policy (BRICS TARIFF), in order to further continue giving the East more reason (as previously scripted at Davos and WEF) for De-Dollarization; as the proverbial "New World Order" continues it's transition phase.
This transition phase is suppose to be made to look organic with this tit for tat battle going on back and forth between countries and leaders.
Both East and West royalty, leaders and club members, are in on World Government and this transition phase.
This is why they all meet publicly and secretly. To form the show we all witness collectively. The real talk and deals are made in backrooms. Social engineering and psychological operations scripts are made, talked about and rehearsed. There is what is said and done on stage to fool or socially engineer/steer the public and what is done and said behind the scenes. The fact is it is us vs them. They all are a club pretending to be in opposition against each other. We are not in said club. Nobody from said club is going to save you. That is the real truth.
The ruling class give us a member of their club (Trump) as a False controlled opposition leader. To make you feel like you have a hero or savior in the ruling class who's going to help us out or fight for us. It's a ploy, a lie, a deception, a psy-op. A shepherd for the roaming cattle.
BRICS TARIFF will lower the American publics standard of living, hurting the country and economy.
Trump isn't a fool or buffoon or doesn't not know what he's doing. This is all done on purpose by design.
Some of the public are just the only ones who do not know this.
I will explain why the undercover globalist Trump, has recently executed a ‘BRICS Tariff’ on behalf of World Government; while selling this new Tax, as a victory to Americans while they cheer on their new lower standard of living, De-Dollarization, new Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE) & more.
I will also explain why the West is intentionally destroying the Dollar/fomenting De-Dollarization.
In case you are late to the party or haven’t realized by now, domestically and globally, we have been years long into a World Government transition phase into the “New World Order”, from the “Old World Order”.
This admission was made publicly to the American people by George Bush Sr. in a Public Address to the Nation
(WATCH 0m:31s)
This “law of the jungle”, Bush is referring to, is freedom; individual and state sovereignty.
The ruling class does not like this freedom or sovereignty we have (really its’ a spiritual war on Gods children/people). Which is why they spend so much time, effort and resources doing everything they can to dismantle/destroy it and us.
They want their own uniformity and rules exacted everywhere across the globe on all individuals. They believe they have a right to rule over us and dictate how we live and what we do.
Hence the following Picture Taken from The World Economic Forum…
When Bush Sr. says in the video above, “When we are successful and we will be…”, that is a flex of force and might, that is being directed directly at you, as he looks us all in the eyes saying it.
It is an open declaration of war while you sit at home watching none the wiser.
Trump’s BRICS TARIFF is just one more small pre-planned domestic World Government political policy steppingstone, to the overall goal/agenda at large. It is a means to an end.
All of these things are discussed by the elites in the backroom meetings at DAVOS or the World Economic Forum. There is what is publicly said on the stage by these people at these scripted events and what is said and done backstage.
You are a fool to believe any of the propaganda/scripted dog and pony show you are seeing on your TV. It is a psychological operation and social engineering.
They all play their parts, roles and characters. That's not to say double crossing or in fighting doesn't happen. After all, there is no honor among thieves.
However, the elite are on the same side vs the rest of general public and they do whatever they need to do, in order to fool and control the public; guiding and steering them to a desired direction.
What is a Tariff?
For those who do not know:
I am not the only one who sees that the West is Intentionally destroying the Dollar by many means and ways. This intentional destruction can be in the form of policy or rhetoric (physical or verbal actions).
Putin knows this as well and stated the following in a press conference, just after attending his most recent Summit…
“I believe this is a terrible mistake by the US financial authorities, because the strength of the US today is built on the dollar. And yet, they are cutting off the very foundation of their own power. It seemed to me that the dollar is like a sacred cow, something that should never be disturbed. But no, they have taken it into their own hands and essentially cut off its horns, stopped taking care of it, and instead are exploiting it recklessly…We are not engaged in a battle, our proposals are not set against the dollar.”
Putin knows the West is destroying the dollar on purpose, that it is not a mistake. Putin’s psychological operation/social engineering job and script is to act as if he doesn’t know.
It’s supposed to be a, ‘Haha, can you believe how dumb the West is?
Unfortunately, this is all by design.
Putin is a part of World Government, part of the elite class and knows we are currently in a transition phase to the “New World Order”. Putin is doing his part, on behalf of World Government, helping to foment this change and alter/enforce the optics of said change.
Many can clearly see the West is intentionally destroying the Dollar. The elite know why.
However, it seems the public or experts do not understand why.
Trump's BRICS Tariff is just another World Government policy being executed domestically and is then being hyped up (social engineering PSY-OP), packaged with red, white and blue star-spangled banner wrapping paper and waved around like a victory flag, complete with fireworks; that will of course backfire.
It is a; ‘Nobody messes with Merica’ or we'll show them’ call to action or rallying cry, for Imperialists and blind pied piper false prophet/idol worshippers. It is nothing more than false brand hype gaining its’ power from extreme ignorance.
And many they are…
The West intentionally destroying the Dollar for:
(1); World Government De-Dollarization through weaponization & rhetoric, (2); Purposely shifting power from the Western Power Bloc to the Eastern Power Bloc, installing the proverbial “New World Order” and (3); Executing a new Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE).
The US is intentionally destroying the dollar because our “Old World Order” (currency, Empire, power & control etc.), has lived beyond its’ lifespan. It is over.
Power will change hands back to the “Eastern elite” or “Eastern Power Bloc” as in history’s past, after the West fully collapses, just before World Government then swallows everyone (both east and west) whole under the same system.
The East is being offered up and portrayed as a false escape/false opposition to the West’s downfall.
This is why Putin is playing ‘good cop’ or the “lesser of two evils”, in the false left vs right (east vs west) global stage paradigm/dialectic.
Putin Signs Decree Granting Residency to Foreigners Who Share ‘Traditional’ Russian Values - The Moscow Times
Again, this is a false dialectic/paradigm tactic being utilized on the global stage, instead of the domestic stage politics (Democrats vs Republicans). It is a global social engineering psy-op (east vs West); COVID was also a global social engineering psy-op. It is good cop vs bad cop on the global stage of East vs West. Controlled oppositions utilizing social engineering and psychological operations with the lesser of two evils psy-op.
Both the Eastern and Western elites are on board with World Government. One side just provides the illusion of the “lesser evil” and more freedom while at the same time, still sliding further into the deep end of World Government, that just happens to be a little more digestible or accepted vs what the West is offering and showing.
For Example…
Russia is setting up for CBDC and Smart Cities
both are World Government Agendas…
Russia Plans Full-Scale Digital Ruble Operations in July 2025 - Bloomberg
New ITU case study maps the Moscow ‘smart city’ journey - ITU
The Globalists need the West and what’s left of its’ remaining values, culture and economy, to collapse and be destroyed completely.
The once, “beacon of the free world”, must be done away with. As it is the biggest threat to World Government implementation.
Free speech, guns, spirit of revolution against tyranny etc. Such things must not be allowed in the “New World”.
“Demolition man” and “The Giver”, are both good esoteric socially engineered movies to watch to get a small idea of what the Globalists have in mind.
Movies and Media are used as a medium of pre-programming and pre-conditioning the general public.
For years, we have been in the middle of a transition phase. The transition phase to a “New World Order”; George Bush Sr. spoke about in the video above.
You have been feeling and seeing the ‘lift-off’ birth pangs of this transition phase, since the 1990’s-2008. An acceleration from 2008-2018 and the final launch sequence from 2019-2030 or 2050?
I say 2050 because the ruling class have this date in mind. I am just relaying it to you as a possible timeline. They also have 2030 as a main date in mind as well.
The World in 2050 - Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Who knows where we will be or what they world will look like in 26 years at this rate.
Ending/Dismantling of the Dollar
From 1913-2017, the Dollar lost 97% of its’ purchasing power. The Federal Reserve has no credibility, has a vast vested interest in lying and would not tell the public the truth. So, the public or admitted data available from the Federal Reserve, is a vast understatement or lie. It is PROPAGANDA, Misinformation and Disinformation. The data in reality is far worse than what they are and have been publicly showing or displaying. This was the Federal Reserve’s main goal that has been accomplished, as we sat on our asses becoming poorer and poorer.
With the amount of Quantitative Easing (QE-Currency creation; counterfeiting) from 2017 on, that means the Dollar’s true purchasing power HAS BEEN NEGATIVE FOR YEARS! While wages have been stagnated since the 1970’s.
Especially since 2020, when the (1a); US created 80% of all currency to ever exist in US history in one year, thrusting us into Hyperinflation because our (2b); Currency velocity rose at the same time from a US historic low with (3c); Already record high inflation in 2020 and before.
80% of all US dollars in existence were printed in the last 22 months (from $4 trillion in January 2020 to $20 trillion in October 2021) – UPDATED - Tech Startups
Velocity of M2 Money Stock (M2V) | FRED | St. Louis Fed
What caused inflation to spike after 2020? : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
When you already have record high inflation in 2020 (and before) coupled with a literal US historic low in currency velocity, while then proceeding to print or create 80% of all US currency to ever exist in one year at the same time as velocity rises, you get a triple trifecta of Hyperinflation/collapse; Inflation, velocity, and currency creation.
You would think this would be common sense for anyone paying attention, that we’ve been in a Hyperinflationary Depression/Collapse since 2020. Yet, so-called “experts”, are still arguing over ‘snorts of derision’ (from Randall Carlson Podcast) about whether we are in a Recession or not. Or if the dollar has any purchasing power left or not.
They couldn’t be any further behind the curve.
As you can see in the propaganda above Figure (3C), the BLS states CON-Vid19 was the cause of all of our economic woes. That we had low inflation before 2020.
I already explained briefly how and why that is bullshit above and in my previous works, which will be linked below and can be found on my substack.
The truth is, America and the US Dollar have already collapsed. People just haven’t figured it out yet.
This is why all the economic data coming out of the Federal Reserve, is fake, fudged, a complete lie or revised into oblivion.
Covid was a fake pandemic used as a cover story and excuse for many things.
In the context of this article, Covid is being used as the excuse and cover story of a collapsing empire, economy, currency, the shifting of power from West to East and implementation of the “New World Order”.
Covid was the spark or game day kick off to implement the New World Order!
How Do I Know This?
Australia 10 news in the clip below, admitted it verbatim publicly through, again, a lesser black magic mocking ritual or “Hidden in plain sight” ritual, using mainstream media as a medium.
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, Trump has placed Tariffs on BRICS Nations who threaten the US Dollar…
Trump threatens 100% tariff on the BRIC bloc of nations if they act to undermine US dollar
A Tariff is a Tax
These taxes placed on countries and their products, will be passed down to you, the consumer. You will be paying these taxes, not these countries.
Price fluctuations will happen because of this (rise in prices) or no stock at all. It is important to note that price fluctuations are not the same as Inflation (currency devaluation).
Trump’s BRICS Tariff only serve to help World Government by:
Further De-Dollarization
Force other countries to alternatives
Force countries away from the US and into the arms of each other
Further Collapse the US, its’ currency and economy
Further slide US towards Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy
People were sold a lie in 2016; When I was the first to publicly write and state that Trump was an undercover globalist playing the American public; how and why.
Trump is a fraud: Predicted in 2016, selected to play a character | BlackBoxPolitics
User comment comes from PressCheck
The following is from SPUTNIK:
Trump’s Threat of 100% Tariffs Targeting BRICS Would Blow Up in America’s Face: Here’s Why
Trump’s Threat of 100% Tariffs Targeting BRICS Would Blow Up in America’s Face: Here’s Why
Trump’s Threat of 100% Tariffs Targeting BRICS Would Blow Up in America’s Face: Here’s Why
It is important to note that even if it did spur a revitalization of American production and manufacturing, that it would take a very long time to be able to get the factories built, up and run and producing. Including everything else that entails.
“It could be a war which the US would lose.”
This war the undercover Globalist Trump is starting is not meant to be won. It is meant to be lost.
World Government De-Dollarization.
Transition phase/policy of the “New World Order”.
To bring in what I call the; Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE).
Continuing the transition/collapse phase of the US empire.
A shifting of power from West to East.
and so on…
Both power blocks operate off of each other in the scripted false East vs West paradigm/dialectic; to give a sense of organic happenings and events taking place in the publics mind while it is all pre-planned/scripted.
The Yin and yang or push and pull of the West purposely acting like a bully to help further de-dollarization, giving the East an “excuse” to continue to de-dollarize as the West’s old system fades while also prepping the new system and even lying about it.
When the Federal Reserve or Powell tells you they do not have CBDC ready, that is a lie and it is ready. Powell also knows that since congress is bought and paid for, CBDC has already been approved.
It was ready during Covid. Which is why they had the following law ready to roll out in place during that time as well, but never fully executed.
Text - S.3571 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Banking for All Act | | Library of Congress
This digital gulag will be tied to your 5g smart phones that are being handed out for free
Much like the false political Left vs Right Paradigm/Dialectic in domestic politics at home; which is just an ancient population control mechanism/tool by way of socially engineering and steering the public utilizing psychological operations; International/Geopolitics is just a bigger false paradigm/dialectic on the world stage.
Instead of Republicans vs Democrats and each playing their scripted good cop bad cop roll, think of East vs West. Each leader/country also plays the good cop bad cop roll.
Instead of Democrats vs Republicans, who play good cop bad cop or left vs right, it is East vs West.
Both will be under digital World Government control.
You just have to pick your “lesser of two evils as always”. Left or Right, East vs West.
You are not the only one!!! Great article...research, insight and critical thinking ability. You are spot on my friend.
I wonder if I wasted my money on PM's at this point. If the manipulation never stops, then I guess I did. It hurts, being surrounded by this many willfully ignorant people.