You are not the only one!!! Great article...research, insight and critical thinking ability. You are spot on my friend.

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Hey there Guy, I really appreciate your kind words and taking the time to comment and also read. That means a lot to me! I hope to continue seeing you around.

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I wonder if I wasted my money on PM's at this point. If the manipulation never stops, then I guess I did. It hurts, being surrounded by this many willfully ignorant people.

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I understand your feelings and have had them only a few times once before when I first started investing in PM's. It is good actually and natural you have said feelings. It would be cause for concern if you did not.

The good news is, you did not waste your currency on PM's. I have covered why in several articles on my Substack. I can't remember which ones specifically but can find out for you if you are interested. I'll name a few reasons below why you did not waste your fiat debt notes or central bank currency on PM's for short hand and concise purposes.

In short, you did not waste your currency because:

(1); Central Banks, Family Wealth Offices, Royalty, Insiders, the 0.01% and so on, have all put their net worth in physical metals; namely, physical Gold with silver as well. The Eugenic class members would not be entering the PM's space just to waste their currency. They know what they are doing and what is coming which is what my substack is dedicated to in part. The Eugenic class has been prepositioning themselves in PM's while the public has been promoted and shifted to crypto, because the manipulation is coming to an end and will end in digital wealth wipeout under Klaus Schwab's Cyberpandemic or whatever diabolical event they decide to execute. A new monetary system and wealth transfer is what they have been prepositioning for in PM's. I sleep comfortably every night without any doubt I have not wasted one single fiat federal reserve central bank debt note on real physical money/intrinsic value. I think you should sleep better know this too.

(2); Another reason would be, which again I have covered on my Substack, is that every single country that has had a currency collapse and or economic collapse in present day or history's past, ALWAYS returns to a gold and silver standard. For example, Egyptian citizens are now using gold and silver again due to their collapse, they are not using crypto. In fact, and this is a direct quote and mainstream headline..."Silver is the new Gold in Egypt". Same thing with Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Chile and Argentina to name a few. Thats not to say there won't be any crypto usage at all. However, that is not the main context or point.

I would go on but I would be writing a book so I will spare you that lol. The manipulation is already slowly coming to an end. Check out the articles on my Substack. They may help you sleep better at night, at least in regard to PM's; maybe not the other things I cover.

It does hurt indeed. Maybe that's why we are here though and view things the way we do; in order to help stop people hurting and guide them to the truth which may lead them to a better path or life.

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Also not sure how I missed you're a grunt lol. I was in 3/6. And I too, had a secondary mos as a Marksman instructor haha.

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Well, as a grunt if you see me, that means I'm not doing my job right, heh heh.

I was in 2/3, which were deactivated on January 21, 2022 due to "Force Design 2030". More World Gov bs. Basically meaning, Americas Empire is collapsing in on itself and shutting down as power is shifted from the western power bloc to the eastern power bloc. The area will be given to BRICS or whomever is designated to fill the power void according to World Gov.

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Brendan O'Connell (not sure if you've heard of him. He's an Aussie I believe) spoke about them breaking up the world into more manageable chunks for logistical reasons. It makes sense. And despite my B.S., I am also self educated 😆

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Thanks for taking the time. I can find it in your substack and I will. I have a bachelor's in finance from UConn for whatever that's worth. It's just when I read your latest article, it's so depressing seeing what is coming and being powerless to do anything. AND 99% of the people around you can't see it. I've been screaming from the roof tops since 2013 at the latest. This shit is truly maddening and heart breaking, seeing those you care about so completely lost. Thanks again Dillon. 🙏✊

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You are very much welcome brother. I'm self-educated, just as a disclaimer. It can get depressing when writing these articles, putting them or as you say just reading them sometimes. However, for me personally though, which I know not ever one is at this speed; I am able to do so and sleep fine at night because I couldn't do it without the help of Jesus; so the glory goes to God in my personal world view. I was an atheist while serving and changed when I got out while I simultaneously started getting involved in the "truther community" and "alternative media".

Theres things you can do albeit minimal for those of us who do have large financial funds. Storable food, water, real money physical gold and silver, medications etc basic living stuff that can help keep our heads above water to a degree instead of being completely destitute. A 'Something is better than nothing' situation.

Haha, oh yes; I know all to well about the maddening and heart break part haha. You want so badly for everyone to know the truth and the extent of it; try as hard as you might and yell as loud as you will, deaf ears and carelessness abound. Even if you nail something with 100% accuracy in a prediction, the majority of people just do not care. What helped me not panic and get out of sorts about not being able to break through to people or get them to see what they should be seeing is: Mathew 7;6 KJV "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” Basically one should not offer valuable or precious things to those who do not appreciate or understand their worth.

All you have to do or worry about is telling and speaking the truth to people and the world in good faith and good intentions. Leave the rest up to God/Jesus. The message will reach those with whom it is supposed to in the proper time and format. Everything is as it should be, whether we like it or not or agree or disagree with it.

You're welcome Brian, Cheers & Semper Fi!

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Brother, I could pick your brain for hours lol. I've been prepping since 2010 and I'm pretty good in that sense, but doesn't it bother you that 90% of the bible was removed with the council of nicea? I went to Catholic School from Pre-K until 8th grade. My dad is old school Irish Catholic, in the bad way. I've always hated church, and as much of the bible turns me off as resonates. I swear when I'm reading it, the author changes mid sentence and goes from a good feeling to a bad. The 2nd deal with God where we now eat meat and circumcise our boys comes to mind as an example. I appreciate all your time and thoughts. I'm trapped in East KY and don't get out much! 😅

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I'm very careful when engaging in Christian Apologetics and would rather refer you to someone who is more appropriate on the matter like Jay Dyer.

You are very welcome Brian and it is no problem. Most people are trapped and do not get out much due to the economy, society and lack of social meeting places like They have in Europe. America isn't like Europe where everything is pretty interactive socially and culturally, community involved and driven or close etc.

Besides, who wants to get out if we are being honest anyway; society is going down hill faster than hell in a hand basket while at the same time the Eugenicists are spraying Geo-Engineerinng poisonous particulate matter all day long lol. I'm doing good enough to buy food without depopulation ingredients in it.

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