(Video) Helene: US Patents for Controlling Hurricanes and Tornadoes
One of many; Hurricane Helene Weaponized Against the Public
Status says abandoned. Is it really though?
Read full patent here:
Further Weather Modification (Geo-Engineering) Patents:
Further Patent search list
Must Watch Greg Reese Report ; Hurricane Helene & Weather Weaponization/Warfare
Remember when Weather Modification was a “Conspiracy Theory” for nut bags and tin foil munchers?
Countries already have had advanced forms of weather modification. Like controlling/steering hurricanes and tornadoes. The following (pictures below) is just the deep state slowly psychologically rolling out the basics of this reality/tech to the public. Being sure to emphasize the control over rain or “Cloud Seeding”. Not the other more already advanced forms of weather modification/warfare known and unknown.
The deep state makes sure to leave out the deeper advancements in weather modification/weather warfare being mentioned in the news or showing up so easily within search results of the internet. SHHH, you’re not supposed to know.
Why you ask?
Answer: (1); To make the technology seem harmless and less advanced, than it really already is. (2); Make out the weather controllers to be the proverbial “good guys”, trying to save the planet by acting as gods; sending us rain or heat when we need it. (3); To hide the true purpose.
Propaganda/Cover up in Full Swing
You can see by the following screen shots, that the propaganda machine is churning full speed to get ahead of the narrative already for those of us exposing it and those of you sharing and supporting our work. With their “fact-checking” propaganda prattle. ‘Screaming’ as loudly as they can to the public; “What’s happening isn’t what’s happening”. Consider this a small victory. Damn those dang pesky “conspiracy theories”.
They have put more effort into controlling the narrative than actually helping people. That's because they are satanists not trying to help people. They did this on purpose. They know what they did. They don't care. They want death and destruction. America and the population are under attack.
There's the climate change propaganda; “Carbon Emissions, not weather modification”. I'm personally not dumb enough to believe in World Government Propaganda.
Proof of spraying deadly chemicals:
The deep state is even Pre-conditioning and Pre-programming the public in video games with weather warfare, Geo-Engineering, and climate change propaganda. Take “Battlefield 2042” trailer for example; Release in November 19, 2021
The scene opens with a weather control/emp satellite system beaming down upon the earth. The time line is 2024. Hellish weather is unleashed. However, that’s not all that is summoned. Is “climate change” or man made weather warfare? If you listen to the background audio in the trailer, it is stating;
“record breaking heat waves”,
“wind that destroys towns/cities”,
“extreme flooding”,
“Residents prepare for more nights without power”,
“Fire storms” in Baltics and other various places
“Rising sea levels ravage 50% of global seaports by 2030 threatening food supply chains”
“Countries enveloped by riots”
“Refugee crisis”
“Failed states”
“1.2 billion people displaced”
Russia & US in serious massive conflict fighting over dwindling resources
Global Grid goes down
Global Black outs/disruptions
EMP attack
Category 6 hurricane hits America
The following video is a great 5-minute breakdown of the lore or story behind the video game and its quite insane because it’s close to what’s going on today and what may happen in the future:
The deep state are really just blocking out the sun. Why? To kill life on planet earth.
Dumping poison all over us, the planet, water, crops, wildlife etc. They are trying to bring carbon emissions down to zero. That includes you and myself. All life.
Bill Gates says it himself in the video below. He even has a formula, as you can see:
Slang Term:
Official Program Name:
Umbrella Program:
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (S.A.I)
Former CIA Director John Brennan talking about Stratospheric Aerosol Injection:
Other Programs:
Brief Summary of HAARP
Radar Imagery Below Shows Examples of Storms Being Altered
;Provided by GeoengineeringWatch.org
When will criminals like Gates and all those using this technology in a devious way be rounded up and prosecuted?