WEF: 'You Will Live in the Mall and Be happy...'
American version of Chinese Coffin Apartments the new normal as Americas Currency, Economy and Empire collapses by design on purpose
by Dillon Critique from;
Tuesday December 24 2024
Full Video (unedited)
She calls her residence a “Teeny tiny shoe box apartment”.
She states the “Coffin Apartment” is 250 Sq Ft.
Number one, it is not an apartment.
It is, however, a “Teeny tiny shoe box”.
This propaganda is a way of subtly psychologically altering the definition of what an apartment is and altering the very perception of what people think an apartment is, going into the future.
It’s a ‘re-writing’ of reality, history and perception; also known as “PERCEPTION MANAGMENT”.
The Eugenicists do not want future generations remembering or knowing (after collapsing the economy by design for over 100 years) that just in 1952 alone homes cost…
(Newspaper ad in 1952 for New Homes)
…and were this size…
Your new living space, according to World Government propaganda, will be 250 sq ft to 450 sq ft.
You know, to reduce YOUR “Carbon footprint” and lower YOUR standard of living so the Eugenicists can fly around on their private jets and live in their mansions.
They are not worried about carbon.
They just want to reduce human population and control what is left of those who survive in small smart city ghettos run and controlled by the elite…
Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation
Billionaires Try to Shrink World's Population, Report Says - WSJ
Some people think this is just a temporary housing issue.
What is going on, is much worse than a simple, “Boom and Bust Cycle”.
It is a purposeful collapse of the global economy. Specifically, the West.
This is why insane “POD LIVING” is a new normal:
Pre-Programming & Pre-Conditioning the Public in the Mainstream Media Propaganda Ministry (World Gov Mouth Pieces/Script Readers)
Weighted towards America or specifically the West, however, the world in general, is financially, economically, morally, spiritually etc. COLLAPSING to a new low (by design by World Government).
America’s Hyperinflationary collapse that began in 2020, is already worse than the “Great Depression of 1929”.
Collapsing America and the global economy is by design by World Government.
One of many reasons.
Some of them were listed on the Georgia Guide stones.
They blew those up and removed them though…
In the context of this article, the Eugenicists believe that to end poverty (their #1 World Government Sustainable Development Goal), they must make EVERYONE equally broke, poor and destitute.
It is #1 of the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS as seen below:
This collapse is and will continue rivaling that of the Great Depression of 1929. It will make 1929 look like a joke in comparison.
The proverbial party has barely just begun.
You are being pre-programmed and pre-conditioned to accept your new lower standard of living.
“Teeny tiny shoe box” is American slang for the East Asian term, “Coffin Apartments”…
Tiny Chinese Shoebox Apartments Are Claustrophobic - Business Insider
The Chinese and Japanese call or label their, ‘Teeny tiny shoe box apartments’, as “Coffin Apartments”
The 'Coffin Homes' of Hong Kong - The Atlantic
The main video of this article (beginning of article), is PROPAGANDA and a PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION to pre-program and pre-condition the general public in an attempt to normalize and force, ‘Small Carbon Footprint Depressionary Living’, as cool, trendy, minimalistic and ‘not so bad’ etc.
This is why these mall prisons or “Smart Cities” are now being built ‘En Masse’.
1m:38s - 2m:00s (clip from full video above)
America and the world’s economies have been collapsed by design by World Government to force people into small communities or “Smart Cities” for total command and control over the population through the use of advanced digital technology and A.I.
You are being rounded up in open air prison camps or gulags (smart cities) while it is being sold as something else entirely.
These small smart city communities are part of what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Crypto)”.
They attempted a hard roll out of these camps during Covid.
Known as “Covid Concentration Camps”
For example, remember when Heathrow Airport in the United Kingdom during Covid was turned into an open-air prison camp?
Where people flying in were forced to pay for the prison hotel they were staying at with Nazi like staff who treated them like prisoners and animals…
Quarantined traveller treated like 'a prisoner and animal' during £1,750 hotel stay - Mirror Online
The Eugenicists were hoping to simply take over during Covid by brute force and people would be scared or threatened into submission.
Here is a video I made 3 years ago for Bitchute detailing the “Brute Force” take over that is packed with insane clips (it is long so watch it after reading):
World Government Brute Force Takeover
Covid did not work out as well as they were hoping. However, it did work to a degree.
It appears as though now the Eugenicists are going with a ‘lighter or softer’ touch with a longer time frame.
The Eugenicists will continue worsening economic conditions forcing/herding everyone into small communities or “Smart Cities” and crypto currency by making life completely unaffordable/livable along with its’ old fiat systems.
These avenues of approach or attack are subject to change daily.
In the clip below, the name of the woman in the video who lives in the tiny apartment, is Amy.
Amy is what the Eugenicists call, a ‘Useful idiot’.
Amy would have the viewers watching the video believe that living in a 250 sq ft coffin apartment, is fun and cool.
Amy is being used to propagandize the viewers with World Government Propaganda and Psychological operations trying to manipulate the viewers.
Amy says; ‘she loves living in tiny her shoe box and it’s really cool because she loves being in a historic building’.
Yes, that was the actual selling point here (in video clip below)
Who in their right mind actually cares about being a part of or living in a historic building at 250 sq ft, as a way of life?
I’ll tell you who…
A “useful idiot”.
2m:21s - 2m:40s (clip from full video above)
Because this is a World Government agenda to reduce the human carbon footprint of every human being on earth while reducing the human population as well, Amy states because of the “building codes”, residents can not have any cooking devices.
‘It hurts the planet’ and ‘produces too much carbon’. So, no cooking for you, you dirty peasants…
They won’t tell you that in the video because you the viewer, are not supposed to know… is.
In the clip below, the ‘World Government open air depressionary living prison camp future smart city’ propaganda they are pandering to the general public is, ‘look how cool everything is in walking distance. Isn’t it just so much fun, YIPPY’!
As if walking downstairs to get your haircut is worth it enough to live in 250 sq ft.
Oh yeah, don’t forget the weather. Another selling point, ‘When it’s raining, I don’t have to leave my prison camp. I can just go downstairs and get what I need’
Ah, yes. God, Forbid you have to get wet or experience weather or go outside.
I’m not quite sure how humans have managed all that for as long as we have been around (that’s a sarcastic tone on purpose).
The level of idiocy, stupidity and “skullduggery” is quite frankly incomprehensibly astounding.
3m:12s - 3m:49s
In the clip below, the propaganda media states, ‘while collapsing your economy and way of life, those malls that you use to shop in that are now collapsed and empty, will now be your new homes and communities’. WHOO-HOO!
The Eugenicists of course do not tell you in the video below, WHY the malls have failed and collapsed and WHY you will be moving in them.
They just tell you flat out, more of you will be living in malls and we are re-building (“Building back better”) to match that demand.
Because thou (I) are gracious enough, I will tell ye WHY people will be moving into small smart city communities…
Demand is rising because America, the US Dollar, our economy and way of life has already been collapsed by the Eugenicists. People just haven't figured it out yet (my work on this is linked at the bottom).
Looking like a collapsed country and living like a collapsed country doesn’t happen overnight.
It is a slower process.
You don’t wake up one morning and look outside and automatically see Venezuela. Eventually you will, if not already, depending on where you live. It takes time which at this point for anyone who is paying attention or writing about it like I have, is already beyond clearly visible as clueless experts argue over recession or not.
4m:44s - 6m:10s
Take a look at these other two articles I wrote
6m:10s - 6m:46
In the clip below, you can see more of this World Government small smart city community living project.
In the video, Will, tries to sell the idea to the public that, ‘living in a home out on land is isolating and lonely and too much for one individual. Living in 250 sq ft in an open-air prison camp with no privacy or cooking ability with nearby amenities is so much better’!
These bs living centers are what is called “Smart Cities” by World Government.
Of which, the undercover globalist false prophet pied piper Trump, has re-labeled to “Freedom Cities” in order to fool his blind and clueless followers.
You can read the article I wrote on that here:
Digressing for a second time & continuing on…
At 7m:49s they admit;
‘Remote work during covid was instrumental in making smart city communities a reality (emptying, repurposing and restructuring office space, altering market conditions etc.)
At 8m:17s they admit;
“Malls in America have a second chance if they can truly become the housing hubs of the future”.
Malls are the “Housing hubs of the future” according to World Government Media Propaganda.
Either that or this insane bullshit…
“Housing Crunch” is code and a cover for the Purposeful collapse of Global economies in order to force new behavior and livening conditions on the general public for World Government purposes.
All this is rolling out rapidly more recently, like the hyper over drone issue and pod living because the Eugenicists are behind schedule and have stated they have quite literally, “TURBOCHARGED THE SUSTAINABLE DELVEOPMENT GOALS”