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What is China preparing for?
Chairman of the Shanghai Gold Exchange in May 15, 2014:
“The Shanghai Gold exchange will change the gold market with it's consumed in the East and priced in the West arrangement. When China finally has the right to speak in the international global market the true price of gold will be revealed.”
“For the moment, price is determined by Western speculation. We produce these commodities, we consume them but we don’t have our own price mechanism which will balance supply and demand…It's impossible to make strategic planning for economic development if you do not control the prices of basic commodities. Price formation with BRICS currency will get rid of Western exchanges of commodities.”
-Exchange Chairman Xu Luode
China is preparing to;
(1) Devalue their currency/Hyperinflate.
-This serves to (1) wipe away debt and (2);simultaneously provide an opportunity to institute a new currency. It also serves to (3) strike back at the US. At the very least, it provides the opportunity to BEGIN or further the process of instituting the proverbial road or path, to a new currency.
The Chinese are destroying (devaluing) their currency on purpose.
Could China go ‘nuclear’ and devalue its currency to boost ailing recovery?
South China Morning Post
Anthony Rowley
Published: 3:45pm,29 Jul, 2023
“Could China reach for what is sometimes termed a “dirty” weapon as it faces an increasingly hostile external environment? This does not mean using the literal “nuclear option” to counter security threats but instead resorting to a major yuan devaluation.”
The question is not, “Could they (China)?”. The reality is, China already HAVE been engaging in such a practice and the “BIG ONE” (currency devaluation) is on the horizon. For those paying attention, we have been witnessing the lead up to this for over a decade as small news items day by day, look like white noise, nothing burgers. However, overtime pieced together, these news items paint a very broad picture of what's been happening.
China is pretending to reign in and fight currency devaluation. China wants devaluation and is putting on a good show to make it look like an organic downturn and honest organic fight against devaluation.
Here is the official state propaganda filtered into the mainstream:
China's measures to slow yuan depreciation
By Reuters
September 7, 20235:16 AM CDTUpdated 8 months ago
“China will resolutely curb large fluctuations in the exchange rate”
A slow orderly decline of devaulation (not a stoppage) and transition instead of an all at once event or as they say “Large fluctuations” aka “Large devaulations”. The Central Banks don't want the global and domestic public figuring out or being aware of what's happening. As it usually causes too much chaos that can't be controlled and it is better if transitions can be made with less attention as possible. However, an all at once event is still on the table and a last resort.
Remember the Globalists are control freaks and long game players. Slow, orderly and unseen (hidden in plain sight) is their game.
(2) China plans on revaluing Gold
Will China Play The Gold Card?
August 11, 2015 - by Tyler Durden
“The thrust of the article is that China, at some point, will have to revalue gold in China; which means, in other words, that China will decide to devalue the Yuan…”
While also destroying Comex or making it irrelevant along with other western exchanges/systems.
CHINA takes control of GOLD from the COMEX
By David Brady, CFA (13/07/2018)
“It’s clear that China is now directly involved in Gold pricing and, by derivation, the role of the COMEX is diminishing in the process.”
That is why China is hoarding the worlds Gold.
China is Hoarding the World's Gold
Published Nov 04, 2023 at 4:00 AM EDT
By Aleks Phillips
While at the same time publicly telling their citizens to buy physical precious metals.
The Chinese government is urging its citizens to buy gold
This is why physical precious metals are being drained from the West and sent to the East. This is a decoupling from the dollar.
Gold Migrating from West to East
According to the Bloomberg report, “large volumes of metal are being drawn out of vaults in financial centers like New York and heading east to meet demand in Shanghai’s gold market or Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar.”
5 Signs that Gold Will increasingly Flow to the East
By Ronni Stoeferle
October 13, 2023
“The reshaping of the world economy and the global (political) order is in full swing. It is a long process, the concrete outcome of which is uncertain in advance and associated with numerous imponderables. Nevertheless, there are powerful factors, such as the shift in economic, demographic and military weight, that are driving the readjustment in the (geo)political arena. And this readjustment is also reflected in the change in gold flows. They are increasingly shifting from West to East, since “Gold goes where the money is,” as James Steel pointedly put it.”
China Splurges on Gold For a 16th Month as Price Hits Record
By Sybilla Gross
March 7, 2024 at 2:26 AM CST; Updated on March 7, 2024 at 4:53 AM CST
“China’s central bank added gold to its reserves for a 16th straight month in February, extending a long buying spree that’s helped to support the precious metal’s surge to a record high.”
(3) China to decouple from the dollar completely.
The green light has been given to set the sun on the US Empire. This is why the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates. To begin collapsing the system on purpose even faster, while not planning on cutting rates, as everyone is and has been expecting.
For more on Interest Rates, I will refer you to my article; The Truth About Interest Rates, Hyperinflation & the future of America
Beijing's Plans to Decouple from the Dollar
“Beijing is challenging the privileged status of the Almighty Dollar, as it tries to carve out its own sphere of influence free of Uncle Sam. This new and comprehensive report explores China’s plans to reconfigure the global financial order, analyzing whether it can decouple from the dollar and create a parallel system based on the yuan. Clear and indispensable, the report lays out China’s strategy, assesses its chances of success, and proposes steps US policymakers should take to safeguard America’s financial system.”
China Wants To Ditch The Dollar
“Should Beijing successfully wean the world off the U.S. dollar, it would reshape the global economy and geopolitical landscape.”
US-China Decoupling by the Numbers
Jul 26, 2023 STEPHEN S. ROACH
“The footprint of decoupling is already evident in the shifting composition of the US trade deficit away from China and the disentangling of China-centric supply chains that such trade diversion implies. Whatever you call it – de-risking or incremental steps on the road to decoupling – there is no escaping the deleterious effects on the US economy. Once again, US politicians are doing their best to obfuscate reality and change the subject.”
The Federal Reserve is also in the middle of hyperinflating the US currency. All countries are beginning the move to a new monetary system. We are seeing it in live time as small individual news pieces look like white noise. However, when you step back, they all tie together in one way or another.
(4) End the reign of Fiat
-and have a commodities/resource backed monetary system (that will more than likely be digital in some form or completely).
China uses commodities buying power to push yuan internationalization
By Avery Chen
6 September 2022
“China's growing buying power in commodities and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war have added tailwinds to the drive to internationalize Chinese currency, though hurdles remain before the yuan can become a global exchange of value.”
China is hoarding resources/commodities: Why?
China, as a new growing empire, seeks to break away from the current collapsing US Empire and take it's place. To take over and have staying power as a replacement empire, you have to have the resources, commodities, production and manufacturing power, that reigning empires need. You also need a currency backed by real value once again, that can be trusted, in a world where trust and lack of value, reign supreme.
The Chinese reign was setup and done on purpose, a long time ago by the globalist. The first example being, those who hijacked America, began selling off/outsourcing America. Removing it's manufacturing and production base/jobs. Effectively turning it into a consumer based economy. Where the factory jobs become service related and all of the crap (goods) we buy……
A second example being; In 1913, the Federal Reserve was setup to take over Americas monetary power and control on purpose, to destroy it.
Even if you say that was not the goal or agenda, they've done the greatest job at it anyway. In 1971, Nixon working on behalf of the Globalist/Central Bankers knowingly or unknowingly, removed the US from the Gold standard. The Gov told everyone that; ‘Closing the Gold window was supposed to be temporary’. Its unfortunate that everyone was dumb enough to believe a lie and not understand they were under siege from within. What's worse is the populace didn't even bother protesting in mass to uplift the so called temporary measure, at any point in history.
With production, manufacturing, the currencys value and society/culture itself being gutted combined with a complacent populace, it was only a matter of time before the wheels fell off. The challenge was/is keeping the public docile and unaware that everything being done around them was on purpose. That’s one reason why the public is being fluoridated through the food and water supply, while being given bread and circuses to keep them distracted and docile. The main reason is depopulation (Eugenics).
Digressing, I suggest reading the following article below as it admits as much; China being the replacement empire for America and was/is being purposely helped along to do just that. The narrative in the article and the publication (The Atlantic), is backed heavily by Anti-American Globalist. The following article is what they have to say about why they want China to take over Americas place and are helping to do so:
The Chinese Century
By The Daily Dish
AUGUST 2, 2010
“It's their (Chinas) turn, after all. And they've been around a great deal longer than the US.”
Look everyone, America has to collapse because, “It's just Chinas turn” now and well, “They’ve been around a great deal longer”. Sounds good enough to me ladies and gentlemen (sarcasm), what say you? Is it just simply Chinas turn/century now?
America use to be in the same position during our peak empire years, as China is now in some respects now. Obviously with varying degrees of differentiating nuances and complexities. America once held the worlds Gold, as China now does. We were a manufacturing and production power house, as China is now. We were a country where people and money fled to, from other countries. A monetary and social freedom hub. Now, countries, US citizens and capital want to flee from the US control and power. Countries doing so, by signing up with “BRICS Bank”. America Citizens are more and more moving abroad fleeing America. The ultimate sign the end has already happened. People just haven't figured it out yet.
The sun has set:
Countries are clamoring to join BRICS group, South Africa says, as Russia takes up leadership
By Simone McCarthy, CNN Hong Kong
Updated 2:37 AM EST, Thu February 1, 2024
“Nearly three dozen countries are seeking entry into the China and Russia-backed BRICS economic group, member state South Africa said Wednesday, weeks after the body expanded its membership for the first time in more than a decade.”
African and Middle Eastern Nations Withdraw Gold Reserves Amid American Economic Concerns
In a move reflecting growing concerns over the stability of the American economy, several African and Middle Eastern nations have begun withdrawing their gold reserves from the United States in recent months. This trend marks a significant shift in global economic dynamics and underscores the increasing skepticism among nations regarding the traditional safe haven status of the US dollar and American financial institutions
Americans Flee America
Jeff Opdyke · March 12, 2024
“That said, the Atlas of Migration indicates that the U.S. of A. has the world’s largest number of emigrants—some 51 million Americans live outside America’s borders.
That represents about 18% of all the migrants in the world.”
Record credit card debt coincides with heightened economic sentiment on Twitter.
US debt interest hits $1.1T, total debt surges $11T since 2020; Ray Dalio hedges with gold.
Gold’s surge defies norms, outshining stocks, while US debt interest escalates.
NYC's Empire State Building to shine for Chinese New Year
February 2, 2019
“The lights and the window display demonstrated that the Empire State Building "encourages more people, including native New Yorkers to experience a bit of beauty of the Chinese traditional cultural festival," said Huang.”
Get use to Chinese culture, as de-Americanization is in full swing and Americas new owners pay the US regular visits for some, “Chinese culture”.