NOMINAL PRICE of Buttcoin (cryptos) is Irrelevant, Meaningless & Why...
Crypto Hyperinflation & rug pull; Transitioning to the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE crypto)"; CyberPandemic; Nominal Price vs Real Intrinsic Value; Money vs credit/debt
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Friday December 20 2024
A rise in NOMINAL PRICE(s) in cryptos or ‘IDIOCRACY-COINs’ (currently Hyperinflation) is irrelevant and meaningless because it is not REAL INTRINSIC VALUE.
There is a difference between the Nominal Price of something (cryptos) and the actual REAL INTRINSIC VALUE of that something (cryptos).
Nominal Price, is simply what you pay for something.
Nominal Price is simply a price tag the consumer or investor pays for something, that does not take into account any true valuation or fundamentals etc. baked in to said nominal price.
That something, could be Undervalued, Fairly Valued or Over Valued.
Bitcoin itself, has no REAL INTRINSIC VALUE.
Yes, blockchain technology is useful. I’m not throwing the, ‘digital baby out with the digital bath water’.
Blockchain technology has use and its’ place. However, not as ACTUAL MONEY.
Only Gold and Silver can be money.
Everything else is currency or credit.
It has been that way for at least 3,000 years or more.
That is not an opinion; it is a long term accepted, proven academic and historical standard (I’m not simply appealing to authority as proof or justification); of which you can read for yourself below.
Source for claim:
Find and buy the book:
“Gold and Silver: Relative Values in the Ancient Past”
Gold and Silver: Relative Values in the Ancient Past | Cambridge Archaeological Journal | Cambridge Core
Read the book online for free below (3 different links):
(PDF) Gold and Silver: Relative Values in the Ancient Past
(PDF) Gold and Silver: Relative Values in the Ancient Past | Leigh Bettenay -
That’s why J.P Morgan, who is a “club member”, an “insider”, an O.G. Central Banker and World Government Minion stated the following:
“Price is what you pay. Value it what you get.”
This is common sense.
Unfortunately, common sense is not so common.
We also have another national deficit that nobody mentions or talks about; critical thinking.
You don’t get anything of value if it’s digital (in the context of MONEY).
Movies and music for example, are a completely different subject, topic and context all together and cannot be compared or analyzed to or with, in the context of real money gold and silver or crypto itself.
The above, is a talking point crypto heads like to use.
They think because movies and music (art) are digital forms of subjective intrinsic value, that it automatically makes cryptos (fake digital “money”) therefore have undeniable, real world intrinsic value as future “money”.
This is false reasoning or a fallacy.
Gold is used in many ways in the REAL WORLD.
Buttcoin is not.
One can pay for Gold and have something of real tangible value to use in many ways, that doesn’t depend on an electrical grid for its’ mere existence or function.
One pays for bitcoin and get digital nothing that only exists or works in cyberspace, if you happen to have electricity.
That is not consistent with real value and quality (in the historical context of money). Crypto is lacking real value and quality in that aspect.
Bitcoin tries to EMULATE Gold; (Ex: Fake digital “mining”, fake man-made artificial “scarcity”).
Man-made artificial scarcity, is not the same thing as nor equates to, real world naturally occurring scarcity.
Bitcoin and its’ marketing is just a play on words and on real world activities and real world concepts, like real gold mining. You “mine” for crypto.
Bitcoin is not Gold, is not like gold and does not emulate Gold. Buttcoin is not close and cannot even be compared to Gold in anyway shape or form.
The Eugenicists tried to alter reality, perception, concepts, words and money/currency itself, with the release of Bitcoin during the 2008 financial crisis.
It seems to be working.
In the context of money, digital currency cryptos do not have any REAL INTRINSIC VALUE.
Because crypto is digital.
REAL INTRINSIC VALUE MONEY, cannot be digital.
Currency or credit, however, can be digital or physical.
Buttcoin is not even a currency yet.
One can’t buy a house or pay taxes or buy groceries or receive medical attention etc. with crypto.
Somehow, people are equating it to future money already.
This does not make any logical or rational sense.
That’s because crypto is a cult, gambling addiction and trendy hyped up fad created by the deep state.
People do not know what real money is; do not know the difference between money and Fiat/currency itself or what Nominal Price vs REAL INTRINSIC VALUE is.
Crypto is a trendy new fad and gambling addiction/casino for the uneducated and financially hopeless.
Cryptos are a PSY-OP.
A Pre-programming and Pre-conditioning operation conducted on the public during the 2008 Financial Crisis in order to shift the public “naturally” and “organically” to what I call the new “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy" (DMSSE cryptos).
BUTTCOIN was the first stepping stone and live time beta test of crypto created by the deep state. A trap. A false offer of hope to detach from the current failing system, when you were really just being pulled further into a new system.
Real Money vs Digital “Money”; Real House vs Digital “House”
Just like a digital house has no REAL INTRINSIC VALUE (in the context of real world living, shelter, safety etc.) neither does Buttcoin (in the context of MONEY).
A digital house can have USE in something like a video game. It does not however, have REAL INTRINSIC VALUE in the real world.
Crypto cannot be real money anymore than a digital house can be a real physical house for someone to live in or get REAL INTRINSIC VALUE out of.
Benefits the globalist by:
(1); Creating Greed and “Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)”.
-Central Banks purposely suppress precious metals (real money) prices, to make cryptos look more attractive and funnel people into crypto. That's where everybody is being guided or herded to purposely, while the elite own zero crypto and hoard physical assets; specifically physical Gold.
Because the Eugenicists are transitioning the public to what I call the new, “Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE Cryptos)”
(2); Makes real money (gold and silver) look less attractive in nominal terms,
-Which is all the Eugenicists want people focused on and worrying about. Nominal numbers, not actual value and purchasing power behind those nominal numbers or having real physical tangible assets outside of the system.
(3); The deep state does not have to force BTC holders to take gov crypto.
-Remember, BTC was created by the deep state. It is a Gov crypto. It is fully programmable and trackable. It is back doored.
To believe otherwise, would be incredibly foolish and that’s what the Eugenicists are betting and counting on.
The Government could also set a decree claiming that, ‘any private made crypto must have gov backs doors or oversight’ or whatever. If you decline, then said crypto will not be allowed to the public and will have to be used in the “Underground Digital Black Market Crypto Economy”.
(4); A rise in nominal price of BTC or cryptos, changes and alters the narrative of real money, investing and assets themselves.
-It creates a “Divide & Conquer” issue among the public, as it already has. Crypto crowd vs real money/physical assets crowd. These groups are always infighting and at each other's throats, generally speaking. Crypto vs metals have become very tribal. As it should. Physical Truth vs digital lies.
What is the usual empty & vapid talking point of ‘Crypto Heads’ and the general public, when it comes to crypto in general?
"Look how crypto (nominal price) outperform gold/silver or anything else".
"Look at my (nominal price) returns in crypto, metals are garbage. Digital money is the future."
"Look at the (nominal) price of cryptos vs the (nominal price) of metals. Who wants a pet rock."
"Physical assets are the old way for boomers or older folk; Digital is better and more up to date."
The price of BTC will continue to rise because all of these cryptos (everything in general is;) are Hyperinflating. Unless the Eugenicists have already decided to pull proverbial plug of course.
Even cryptos that the Gov does not own or has not created, will be Hyperinflated because the dollar itself is and has been hyperinflating. The deep state will also support and promote digital garbage of any kind to facilitate herding the public into what I call the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE crypto)”.
When you then add greed and F.O.M.O on top of all that, you have the largest digital tulip bubble trap in history.
Because as long as people are moving towards what I call the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy (DMSSE crypto)” in anyway shape or fashion, the deep state will not impede this transition, until they are ready to pull the plug (Klaus Schwab Cyberpandemic/Cyberpolygon) or do whatever it is they decide on doing.
The public are currently and have been being preprogrammed and pre-conditioned for a preplanned cyber-attack that will wipe out unapproved digital wealth or all digital wealth.
Such a scenario would make it easier to roll out Digital Central Bank Universal Basic Income.
This is why the elite are hoarding physical Gold at never-before-seen levels and climbing while promoting and transitioning the public to crypto before the wipe out.
Trump Promotes World Gov Smart Cities & North American Union
That is one way those who were dumb enough to enter the crypto PSY-OP trap will…
Is a Cyber Pandemic Coming? (2m:07s)
CyberPolygon (1m:02s)
In the Mainstream Media propaganda above, China and Russia will of course be blamed as the culprits for these future cyberattacks and Cyber Pandemic attacks.
The real culprits are the deep state.
Playing East vs West off against each other in a divide and conquer technique as they do in domestic politics; playing left vs right (democrats vs republicans) off against each other. Democrats and Republicans are a uniparty who pretend to be in opposition. The same with West vs East.
That is not to say infighting does not occur among themselves. After all there is no honor among thieves.
East vs West is the International world stage politics of the false left vs right paradigm/dialectic.
China, Russia and the US elites are all coordinating this World Government take over and transition together while pretending to be in opposition to each other. It is a grand game of chess and illusion on the world’s population.
What they call, “Sacred Games”.
You are not being pre-programmed and pre-conditioned for a “Cyberpandemic” while the system is promoting, pushing and herding the public into cryptos at the same time, for no reason.
Cryptos were not a revolution for the people to escape the centralized system.
Cryptos were a revolution for the Eugenicists to wipe us out and make us slaves with total digital command and control.
Klaus Schwab makes a threat in the video below and states this threat/attack will cause a, “Future Common World”.
The Eugenicists are going to “Eliminate poverty” (that’s a lie), which is their very first “Sustainable Development Goal”.
The are going to “Eliminate Poverty” by attempting to make everyone equally poor and destitute in this wipe out so they can swoop in as the “saviours” and fix humanity from there by “Building Back Better”.
G7 Build Back Better Banner
Build back better for World Government, total command and centralized control over the global population through advanced digital technology and A.I.
The hyperinflation of cryptos (rise in nominal price) while purposely suppressing precious metals prices, benefits the Globalists because the general public are flocking to crypto (digital pig pen) because they see the nominal price go up hoping to get rich or make a buck (greed & f.o.m.o).
Crypto heads think they are geniuses because the nominal price has simply gone up.
The retail investor/gambler sees how fast and by how much crypto has gone up in nominal price (not knowing why) as they continue to become poorer and poorer by the month as the dollar Hyperinflates, diving deeper into negative purchasing power territory.
People see crypto as a life raft, a rescue, a ‘light of hope’ to change their financial situation. They don't know it is the final trap or nail in the proverbial coffin before being hog tied and hung upside down once extracted from the digital pig pen trap.
This is why some of the public wide-eye foams at the mouth and gnashes their teeth when you say Buttcoin is not money and was created by the deep state as a trap.
Crypto heads cannot and will not accept the lie or delusion that has been sold to them. They lash out and become unjustifiably angry or emotionally disturbed. That is a key indicator (generally speaking) someone is not using logic or reason and is not feeding off of logic or reason, but rather, emotion.
This delusion and emotion is so strong and people need financial hope so bad, that Crypto itself has become a cult and an addiction for some.
Crypto is just a Psychological Operation and digital trap for the general public; a cult and casino/”family” home for those with a gambling addiction and the financially hopeless…
Unfortunately, it worked…
Thanks for all your thoughtful writing!
You make a lot of good points. Your basic argument for a BTC & crypto rug pull orchestrated by the Deep State is to “make it easier to roll out Digital Central Bank Universal Basic Income.” I can see that as a desired outcome for the Deep State. Since we can only guess what the Deep State has planned for Bitcoin, can you think of any reason’s why they would want the price of Bitcoin to continue to rise, and not do a final rug pull? Reasons I can think of are that a rug pull would make people lose confidence in digital assets, and then money would flow into tangible assets. However, if the crypto whales sell their digital assets before the rug pull and buy tangible assets, then that would be a way for them to own it all (or most of it).
You also say “the elite are hoarding physical Gold at never-before-seen levels and climbing while promoting and transitioning the public to crypto before the wipe out.” Is there evidence that the elites are not buying Bitcoin? I would assume that they would keep that information hidden from us.