(WATCH) 1920's Style DEPRESSION HOMES the NEW NORMAL; US Hyperinflationary Depression Started in 2020
Recession Since 2008 that was papered over by QE & artificially low interest rates; Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020 when 80% of all US currency to ever exist was created in one year 2020-2021
by Dillon Critique from;
Monday November 25 2024
I am the first individual or Substack in the West to have publicly made this SPECIFIC CALL/ANALYSIS (Recession since 08 papered over by QE & artificially low interest rates, USD purchasing power already negative, Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020 etc.) with EVIDENCE going back to 2019/2020.
I say this not to appear unhumble, but rather, to lend credence to my work, perception and ideas. Which is important for writers with no reputation, trying to reach, warn and educate others.
Calling a 1920’s style Depression homes/housing, “Tiny Homes” is a Psychological Operation/manipulation being conducted on the American people.
You are being Pre-programmed and Pre-conditioned by the Mainstream Media to your new depressionary style living conditions. Or what I like to call the Mainstream Media; “The Propaganda & Mind Control Ministry (PMCM)”.
The TV Puppets claim you are being, “Priced out of the market”. That is a lie, a whitewash, an obfuscation, a psychological manipulation/misdirection. You are not being “Priced out of the Market.” It is much worse than that.
Our ‘Overlords’ do not want you to know that the U.S has been in a Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020 (linked in my work below). So, our overlords have simply changed the verbiage of these home names; hoping you are too stupid to notice or even care that history is essentially repeating itself. This is a lesser form of Blackmagic our overlords use known as, “Hidden in Plain Sight”. The same repeating financial and economic problem, issue or cycle they cause, that is then just wrapped, packaged, presented differently and sold under another name or label. As Each generation forgetting or not knowing history, are none the wiser.
This time, the Hyperinflationary Depression that began in 2020 (linked in my work below), is going to make the “Great Depression of the 1920’s”, look like a complete joke/walk in the park.
A Tsunami is coming as most stand on the beach watching not realizing what they are seeing.
What use to be called “Shotgun Homes” or “Row Housing”, is now being re-labeled as, “TINY HOMES” or the ‘New-Ager’ term, “MINIMALIST LIFESTYLE”.
This is a period of what Yuri Bezmenov calls “Normalization”. Once you have been collapsed from within, you will be ‘normalized’ into your new reality from what it used to be and what it could have been. Hence the “New Speak” terms being throw around that I described above.
For those who have lived in Apartments all their lives, moving into a Depression Home, is seen as a victory. If you’re lucky enough to even do so. It is not a victory on a “Comparative Historical Basis”. It is a down grade, a lower standard of living.
The 661 sq foot homes cost $161,999, that's $245 per sq. foot.
Many will claim these prices are a “Rip off”. It’s not that you are being ripped off per say; it’s that the U.S. Dollar has already collapsed and has negative purchasing power. That the U.S has been in a Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020. Hence why you will now live in a small box that cost $200,000. Semantics aside, we were technically ripped off by the Federl Reserve.
Compare a “Depression home of 2024” aka “Tiny Home”, to a normal house in 1952 and the NOMINAL PRICE of said homes. There you will see the collapse of the dollar, in nominal terms (My previous work linked below).
Compare consumer goods/prices from 1952 alone to 2024. There you will also see the collapse of the Dollar, in nominal terms (My previous work linked below). That’s not even going all the way back to 1913; with the inception of the Federal Reserve beginning its’ destruction/collapse of the US Dollar from within.
What’s happening/already happened, is the US Dollar has ALREADY COLLPASED; has already had negative purchasing power even though it is still accepted as a form of payment and has been hyperinflating, since 2020, if not before. Below are simply the outcomes, consequences and reality of said collapse, due to Central Banking/Fractional Reserve banking practices. Which people falsely equate to “Greed” alone or “Failure of Capitalism”. It’s not that greed isn’t an issue or that Capitalism is perfect. Simply that both are being used as scape goats for what’s actually taking place.
When Our Overlords say…
They Are not Kidding. Take Them Seriously…
The collapse has already happened. We just don't look like Venezuela overnight.
1. The USD has already collapsed because; it has negative purchasing power even though people still accept it as payment. Notice the chart stops at 2019, not taking into account all of the currency creation since then or its’ true effect on the purchasing power of the Dollar. We jumped off the proverbial cliff a long time ago and have been free falling for a while.
2. $36 trillion in debt; unpayable…
3. $210+ trillion in unfunded liabilities; unpayable…
Your Pension Is a Lie: There's $210 Trillion Of Liabilities Our Government Can't Fulfill
4. The population has no wealth.
5. The population has no savings.
Nearly half of American households have no retirement savings
6. We have been in a Recession since 2008 that was papered over by QE and Artificially low interest rates. A Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020. Hence why 80% of all US currency ever exist was created in 22 months and did nothing to "stimulate growth". That's how worthless the dollar is.
A country that has unpayable debt, unpayable liabilities, a worthless currency, a population with no wealth or savings in a depression= collapse.
The process has already happened. It’s just that visually, looking like a fourth world country, happens slower.
Reality is just catching up…again…
1920’s Depression Homes
(WATCH) 2nd Round of Hyperinflation is Here
I am almost 80-years-old and will be on March 17, 2025. I am a deep and broad researcher and a former {libertarian} professor of finance, economics, real estate, all related disciplines including analytical tools. This is only for purposes of understanding my comments. You do excellent work. More details would require books. Please keep up the good work. Frank Douglas Rose living in Fascist Portland, Oregon.
So, what do us mere peasants do about this?