Restaurants Now Serving Depression Food; Economy Already Collapsed + Dollar Purchasing Power Been Negative (worthless) for Years
Recession Since 2008; Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020; wages stagnate since 1970's; Depression Homes make Comeback & Depopulation...
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
Thursday November 21 2024
America has been in A Recession since 2007-2008 that was papered over by QE & artificially low interest rates.
A Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020. Hence why 80% of all US dollars to ever exist were created in just one year (2020-2021) and did nothing to "stimulate growth".
So-called “economic experts” in the West are so blind and irrelevant they can’t even figure out we’ve been in a hyperinflationary depression for four years. Which is only in its’ beginning phase and has just recently ramped up to another level.
…The Mainstream Media is now pre-conditioning, pre-programming and normalizing the populace into their new lower standard of Depressionary living…
These types of soup restaurants we called “Penny Restaraunts” during The Great Depression. The only difference is the modern soup kitchens just look better with tech in them.
Americans are literally re-living the past history of The Great Depression right now, not even knowing they are in a Greater Depression. This is how clueless the majority of the population is even though they are the ones going through it.
The Penny Restaurants of the Great Depression | 12 Tomatoes
…we are at the “all of a sudden part”.
Debt: $398 billion
GDP: $1.1 trillion
Debt-to-GDP Ratio: approximately 36.2%
Debt: $16 trillion
GDP: $21.4 trillion
Debt-to-GDP Ratio: approximately 74.8%
2024 (current estimate):
Debt: $36 trillion
GDP: $27 trillion
Debt-to-GDP Ratio: approximately 133.3%
America and the US dollar has already collapsed. People just haven't figured it out yet.
Wages Stagnate Since 1970
(these are fudged/manipulated numbers being used in their calculations, so the reality is much worse)
You work twice as much while receiving two times less…
The elite are killing off the middle class and annihilating the poor…
America has been in a steady collapse for quite some time. This is why they amped/ramped up the “Bread and Circuses” and Entertainment over the years to new levels…You’re supposed to be distracted from the Federal Reserve slowly attacking/collapsing us from within.
Wage Stagnation in Nine Charts | Economic Policy Institute
Presidents Have No Power or Authority (maybe 100 or more years ago)
The President is an irrelevant front man, a hype man, they are mascots, puppets; giving the population the illusion of one man being in charge and running the country. Presidents do not run or control anything, other than the false image and character you have of them inside your head.
Central Bankers, the Military Industrial Complex, Corporations, Secret Societies, Intelligence communities etc. run the country.
Presidents are nothing more than a mere Psychological Operation to fool/deceive the public and provide a shadow/cover for the real controllers to operate under. Presidents are the place holder for taking the blame of what the controllers do to us (ex collapse;economic hardship) or do not do to us (ex. not upholding law and order).
This is why Nathan Rothschild stated…
Why Henry Ford said…
Depression Housing has Been Making a Comeback in America…
for years, which should have been a leading indicator for so-called “expert economists” in the west…
“Shotgun homes” existed before the Great Depression among certain poorer communities.
During and sometime after The Great Depression, shotgun homes were a main staple due to economic collapse and hardships.
They are called “shotgun homes” because the house is so small and narrow you can see the entire house with front door open all the way to the back. You could shoot a shotgun through the front door and it would go straight out the back…“Shotgun Home”.
Since America has already economically collapsed again while also entering its’ Hyperinflationary phase like Weimar Germany or Venezuela, shotgun homes are making a return…
Looking to build a home for about $300K? Shotgun-style homes make a comeback in West Tampa
May 31, 2024 “Bidenvilles” (should be called ‘central bank villas’ instead)
If you recall what I stated above…
“Presidents are nothing more than a mere psychological operation to fool the public and provide a shadow/cover for the real controllers to operate under. Presidents are the place holder for taking the blame of what the controllers (in this context Federal Reserve) do to us…”
The picture below is a good example of the ignorance; of how clueless influencers are of the above.
The Federal Reserve caused the depression. Central Banks cause depressions/fractional reserve banking practices. Presidents do not. Biden can’t even wipe his own ass. Prime example of someones mindset living in false left vs right paradigm.
These clueless influencers are making the situation worse by miseducating/misleading the population down the wrong path. Placing blame in the wrong place. This only further serves the deep state, keeping people locked into the circular false left vs right paradigm/dialectic.
Shotgun Homes (Depression Housing) are now the New Homes of America in 2024 and growing…you won’t believe what they cost too…
Economic Warfare is another form of a Depopulation Operation run by the Global Eugenicists…
This is ONE REASON why the Eugenicists locked down the global economy during Convid (Covid)…To starve people to death while blaming covid for the starvation.
COVID-related hunger could kill more people than the virus | UN Global Compact
130 Million People Could Starve Because of the Lockdowns
230 million Indians pushed into poverty amid Covid-19 pandemic: Report | Economy & Policy News - Business Standard
A website called, which was an official website linked to the United Nations and other globalists organizations who projected by the year 2025, America would have a population reduction of 70%.
The Global Eugenicists are behind schedule, which is why they have called for “TURBO CHARGING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS”.
As this Deagle forecast got reported on and more attention draw to it, this report was scrubbed from their website. The website was also revamped. They didn’t like the prying eyes of those paying attention warning the public. Luckily people stored this/archived it and reported on it.
Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast
List of Countries Population Forecast 2025
Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagle Forecast…
Is the Deagel Report’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding?
I am the only Substack, individual and “armchair economist” who has stated with evidence for the past four years, that the US has been in Recession since 2008, papered over by QE and artificially suppressed interest rates. A Hyperinflationary Depression since 2020. You could go even further and state that since wages have been stagnate since 1970, that’s when the recession really began on a technical level to a degree.
Now you know…
2025 and beyond is going to be even more biblical than it already has been. Fret not. Be sure to pray and stay as grounded as you can. If you don’t pray, start. WE ARE ALL GOING TO NEED IT!
"2025 and beyond is going to be even more biblical than it already has been. Fret not. Be sure to pray and stay as grounded as you can. If you don’t pray, start."
Smart enough to see through the economic scam, but not the organised religion scam? What's the dill with that?