Esoteric Movie Review: "ZERO DAY" (Netflix)
Predictive Programming; Mind Control; Cyberpandemic/Cyberattacks, Bank Runs, Marital Law, Panic, Power Outage, Markets offline, Cash only & MORE!
by Dillon Critique from; (SUBSTACK)
February 28 2025
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“Zero Day (Tv show 2025)” is a: (Psychological/Information Warfare) Pre-programming & Pre-conditioning Operation utilizing Entertainment/Fiction as cover
Hollywood Begins Pre-programming & Pre-conditioning the General Public
For Klaus Schwab’s “Cyberpandemic” (Cyberpolygon)…
(Video 56s)
“ZeroDay” Clips Below Based on Klaus Schwab Statement at the ‘World Economic Forum’…
Wide Scale Blackout Across America…
Cyber Attacks on Banks, Markets Closed, Bank Runs, Societal Panic, Emergency Declared…
Supply Chain Disruptions…
Constitution Suspended, New Stasi like Gov Branch Created, Habeas Corpus suspended etc…
DC and Other Parts of America Become Militarized
National Guard Deployed - Grocery Store Lines, Looting, Panic, Protest/Unrest - NO CASH NO GROCERIES…
Russia is Blamed for the Cyber Attack as Pre-planned in the False East vs West Paradigm/Dialectic used to bring in World Gov “Organically”
Order out of chaos…
ZeroDay also Showcases EMF/Directed Energy - Neurological Weapons being used on Individuals
More Reads on Directed Energy/Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:
“Wet Work” Team Eliminates Whistle Blower..
The Eugenicists pre-program & pre-condition the general public through entertainment (social engineering) for what the Eugenicists have planned or what may be coming in the future; to some degree or all the way.
Recap & What to Expect 1-20 years from now according to Zero Day Pre-programming…
Cyber Attacks
Power Outages
Bank Runs
Bank Collapses/Shut downs
Martial Law
States of Emergency
New Branch of Gov
Widescale crisis/chaos
Problem with Medications/Pharmacies
Food/Water issues
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It's incredible how many people will suck this in and from the moment they see and hear the movie their minds will go into overdrive. Phase 1 complete!