Flip flopping around like a fish out of water🤦🏻‍♂️

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That's what the Eugenicists like Trump do, all of them. Flip flop to whatever best suits the character or image they are selected to play or whatever best suits them. The Eugenicists know 99% of the population will forget all these moments because of our decreased attention span, distraction from the endless supply of Bread & Circuses and overwhelming stress due to trying to keep our heads above the inflationary (currency devaluation through expansion of the currency or money supply) water they are drowning us in while transition us into what I call the new "Digital Monetary Surveillance System Economy DMSSE Crypto".

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That was a great montage of statements made by reality show actor, Trump! I remember Bill Clinton once saying 'image is everything'. That's what these phony political actors all do. The writers carefully prepare a script to be choreographed for public consumption. The vitriol expressed by the 'liberals' against Trump was all staged. The PTB used reverse psychology on the public with Trump the same as they did when they opposed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 so the public would think a vote for the act would be a vote against the bankers. Behind the scenes the actors on 'both sides' attend the same parties and satanic events. FDR once said 'nothing in politics happens by accident.' Everything reported in the corporate media is carefully scripted to produce the desired psychological effect in the masses. War is 90+% psychological. I got a chuckle out of the Ass Kisser of the Year Award you gave to AJ. Do you think he was controlled opposition from the beginning or did he flip because they got to him?

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I'm not sure really to be honest. It's easy to see Alex being a part of controlled opposition from the very beginning since he has openly admitted that his family has been involved in certain things, reside at some level within the power structure and several other disconcerting things. That was brought up around all this as a kid etc. That within itself does not automatically mean he or his family are all bad or anything, however, it should not be dismissed either. Admitting such could be an open public mocking admission in our face "Hidden in plain sight" or a genuine admission in good faith/intention. It's also just as easy to have a couple of black suits show up to your house or speak to you individually and tell you what's going to happen and how to you and or your family unless you are to follow said directives. Dr. Group is a good example who admitted this experience on air that he personally had. A good example being all the 9/11 whistleblowers who "committed suicide" or pharma whistleblowers. I've personally become more and more suspect over the past 10 years of Alex as have the "old school" audience even more so. Controlled opposition or not, Alex has given me a massive education and understanding I would have never possibly received otherwise so that credit is due. I personally stopped watching the show years ago after it became a fake Trump political left vs right paradigm/dialectic dog and pony show brain rot production. I stop by every now and then.

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I agree, Alex did a great job bringing people up to speed with how the world really works. I also stopped watching after he started promoting Trump continually. I've always been suspect of Trump even though he's said and done some things I liked. I think his handlers threw conservatives some bones to lend him some credibility. He continued the central bank agenda of destroying the dollar by deficit spending and monetizing of the debt. He also appointed former Goldman Sucks employees to his cabinet. Like you, Warped Speed was the last straw for me.

As you've been warning, the world is fast heading into a Weimar Republic style inflationary period. That's why it's so important to find or establish a community with enough foresight to begin using honest money for commerce and become as self sufficient as possible. The Amish have a lot of things right, in that regard, but they aren't yet using PMs in their communities near where I live. They're resourceful people and very self sufficient, which I admire. I'm aware of Derrick Broze's parallel community but they're internet based, which means they're vulnerable to being monitored and infiltrated. I would rather network with a local community that grows through word of mouth. By the way, do you follow Hrvoje Moric's Substack?

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I do follow Hrvoje's Substack. He interviewed me three or more weeks ago or so. I told him the interview was not my best or up to my standard but stated that if he found it acceptable or up to his standard, to feel free to release it. He said would get back to me in regard to the interview, I have not heard back from him since.

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