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Off the top of my head :


Farm/Garden capable of feeding you and or your family all year.

-Or storable freeze dried food

Water & or water filtration.

Community, Knowledge and Skill sets

Extra Medicine/medical supplies

Don't be near a city if you can or be as far away from it as possible.

Be self sufficient as possible.

Don't rely on or trust gov.

Have forms of Energy. Solar or fossil fuel generator, batteries etc

Firearm(s), ammo and guncleaning kit(s)

Forms of communication. Radio or satilite phone etc

Plan for handeling and dealing with human waste if the water/electricity are turned off or do not work.

Work on yourself mentally, physically and spiritually.


If you have to leave your area, know escape routes or back roads. Know your area. Have a preplanned route for leaving your house to where every you are going to.

If your one of the lucky few able to get a big out house or cabin do so.

Vehicle that doesn't have electronics in it. Gas for it.

Extra parts to fix things around the house or whatever needs fixing



Water Well if you have the means

Chickens, livestock

Heirloom seeds




Do whatever it is you are able to do, even if it's one or two things.

I'm sure there is a lot more I'm missing off the top of my head.

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And how does one survive this???

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Thank you for taking the time to comment

Off the top of my head :


Farm/Garden capable of feeding you and or your family all year.

-Or storable freeze dried food

Water & or water filtration.

Community, Knowledge and Skill sets

Extra Medicine/medical supplies

Don't be near a city if you can or be as far away from it as possible.

Be self sufficient as possible.

Don't rely on or trust gov.

Have forms of Energy. Solar or fossil fuel generator, batteries etc

Firearm(s), ammo and guncleaning kit(s)

Forms of communication. Radio or satilite phone etc

Plan for handeling and dealing with human waste if the water/electricity are turned off or do not work.

Work on yourself mentally, physically and spiritually.


If you have to leave your area, know escape routes or back roads. Know your area. Have a preplanned route for leaving your house to where every you are going to.

If your one of the lucky few able to get a big out house or cabin do so.

Vehicle that doesn't have electronics in it. Gas for it.

Extra parts to fix things around the house or whatever needs fixing



Water Well if you have the means

Chickens, livestock

Heirloom seeds




Do whatever it is you are able to do, even if it's one or two things.

I'm sure there is a lot more I'm missing off the top of my head.

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Thank you. Really... this is quite overwhelming, and I find that when I do try to connect locally (like on Nextdoor), I don't always get a positive feedback, especially if I mention COVID vaccines being dangerous.

I have been stocking some long-term food, heirloom vegetable seeds, practicing growing things from seeds, thinking of trying chickens for eggs (I did this as a child and enjoyed it), collecting books on herb and wildflowers for medications and how to use them, books on homesteading and being independent, trying to stay clear of doctors (who still push shots) and the government, staying strong and learning how to do basic fixes myself (ziplocks and gorilla tape, putting things together myself), getting some basic solar items for recharging things, have extra vitamins and meds, but there is a long way to go.

I am better at growing flowers than vegetables (sadly; but the flowers do make amazing bouquets, so maybe that could be a money maker for me), and I do want a greenhouse at my next place and solar panels too.

But in truth - It is a bit overwhelming at my age (71).

But I will download your list - thanks again!

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You're welcome. I do understand. It is indeed very overwhelming.

Connecting to and with people in this country, is very difficult. Many people tell me the same thing you do. We are a minority in this country and finding others that are aware & informed while also being a decent and or God fearing person is an enormous challenge. Don't let the push back you receive from people get you down. Keep trying. Though small in number, we are out here. Somewhere, heh heh.

I do plan on at some point doing articles of this nature, which you may find helpful in the future.

I wish you the best of luck and I believe you're going to do ok, even as challenging as it is. If you ever have anymore questions or concerns, doesn't hesitate to comment or message me.

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